
时间:2015-11-03 07:32:39

标签: regex



<p>hello world<br><br>goodbye world</p> - 有效


<p>hello <span>world<br><br></span>goodbye world</p> - 无效,应匹配





<p>abc<span>abc</span><br><br><span>abc</span></p> - 应该有效



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

正则表达式肯定不是完成此任务的正确工具。你可以试试some regex like this

#p tag and stuff before a tag that includes <br><br>

#capture tag that's not a p tag

  #capture tag only if it's not a singleton tag

  #don't skip the current tag and find <br><br>

#stuff until closing p

在JS中使用i caseless选项而没有注释。



Here your regexr sample

答案 1 :(得分:2)







以下正则表达式适用于,并使用balancing groups验证任意数量的嵌套代码:

<p>                                         # MAIN Opening <p>
(?>[^<]*)                                   # any text
(?>                                         # BEFORE <br><br>
    [^<]+                                   #  any text
  |                                         #  or
    <                                       #  TAGS
    (?:                                     #   Options:
      |                                     #
        \/?\s*(?:area|base|br|col           #    2. self-closing tags
                |embed|hr|img|input         #
                |keygen|link|meta|param     #
                |source|track|wbr           #
              )\b[^>]*\/?>                  #
      |                                     #
        \s*(?<p>p\b)                        #    3. opening nested <p>
      |                                     #
        /\s*(?<-p>p\b)                      #    4. closing nested <p>
      |                                     #
        \s*(?<nestedtag>                    #    5.a) if inside a nested tag:
               (?(nestedtag)\k<nestedtag>   #         another nested tag (same tag)
             |                              #
               [-:\w]+)                     #      b) else: opening nested tag (except <p>)
           \b)                              #      *tag ends with word boundary
      |                                     #
        /\s*(?<-nestedtag>\k<nestedtag>\b)  #    6. closing nested tag
      |                                     #
        (?!/\s*p\b)                         #    7. any other tag except <p> (inside nested tag)
    )                                       #   end of Options
    [^>]*>                                  #  end of TAGS before <br><br>
)*?                                         # repeat as few as possible (BEFORE <br><br>)
(?(nestedtag)(?(p)(?!))|(?!))               # Conditions: unbalanced nested tags and balanced <p>
(?:<br>){2}                                 # MATCH: <br><br>
(?>[^<]*)                                   # AFTER <br><br> (any text)
(?>                                         #
    [^<]+                                   #  any text
  |                                         #  or
    <                                       #  TAGS
    (?:                                     #   Options:
        (?<p>\s*p\b)                        #    1. opening nested <p>
      |                                     #
        (?<-p>/\s*p\b)                      #    2. closing nested <p>
      |                                     #
        (?!/\s*p\b)                         #    3. any other tag (except the main </p)
    )                                       #   end of Options
    [^>]*>                                  #   rest of tag
)*                                          # repeat as much as possible (AFTER <br><br>)
(?(p)(?!))                                  # Conditions: balanced <p> tags
</\s*p\b[^>]*>                              # MAIN Closing </p>


Dim pattern As String = "<p>(?>[^<]*)(?>[^<]+|<(?:!--.*?-->|/?\s*(?:area|base|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|keygen|link|meta|param|source|track|wbr)\b[^>]*/?>|\s*(?<p>p\b)|/\s*(?<-p>p\b)|\s*(?<nestedtag>(?(nestedtag)\k<nestedtag>|[-:\w]+)\b)|/\s*(?<-nestedtag>\k<nestedtag>\b)|(?!/\s*p\b))[^>]*>)*?(?(nestedtag)(?(p)(?!))|(?!))(?:<br>){2}(?>[^<]*)(?>[^<]+|<(?:(?<p>\s*p\b)|(?<-p>/\s*p\b)|(?!/\s*p\b))[^>]*>)*(?(p)(?!))</\s*p\b[^>]*>"

Dim r As Regex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Singleline)

Dim m As Match = r.Match(subject)
Dim matchCount as Integer = 0
Do While m.Success
    matchCount += 1
    Console.WriteLine("Match " & matchCount & ": " & m.Groups(0).ToString())
    m = m.NextMatch()

.NET Fiddle


Match 1: <p>hello <span>world<br><br></span>goodbye world</p>
Match 2: <p><p>xxx</p><span><br><br></span></p>
Match 3: <p><span><span>xxx</span><br><br></span></p>
Match 4: <p>asdf<span>asdf<br><br>asdf</span><br><br></p>
Match 5: <p><span>acb<br><br></span>abcd</p>
Match 6: <p>asdf<span>abc<br><br></span></p>
Match 7: <p><STRONG>Cetárea Duromar</STRONG> es una empresa familiar con más de 20 años de experiencia al
servicio de la restauración y el particular <STRONG>brindando siempre la mejor calidad en mariscos
y un esmerado servicio.<BR><BR></STRONG>Hemos sabido adaptarnos a los nuevos tiempos, incorporando
la mejor tecnología, controlando la calidad de nuestro producto, pero sobre todo exigiéndonos a
nosotros mismos ser superiores cada día para poner lo mejor de nuestro mar en su mesa.<BR><BR>Les
ofrecemos una muy <STRONG>cuidada selección del mejor marisco de la ría, de excelente calidad</STRONG>
y con una presentación extraordinaria.<BR><BR>Producto 100% garantizado.</p>

.NET Fiddle