
时间:2015-11-02 12:48:25

标签: linux ubuntu vagrant

我试图从靴子中清理一些图像,我想我搞砸了soemthing = / 我安装了vagrant,我认为在此过程中它已被删除,现在当我尝试安装它时,我得到:

xx@xxxx:~/dev/devmachine/test$ sudo apt-get install vagrant
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 linux-image-extra-3.13.0-63-generic : Depends: linux-image-3.13.0-63-generic but it is not going to be installed
 vagrant : Depends: bsdtar but it is not going to be installed
           Depends: ruby-childprocess (>= 0.3.7) but it is not going to be installed
           Depends: ruby-erubis (>= 2.7.0) but it is not going to be installed
           Depends: ruby-i18n (>= 0.6.0) but it is not going to be installed
           Depends: ruby-log4r (>= 1.1.9) but it is not going to be installed
           Depends: ruby-net-scp (>= 1.1.0) but it is not going to be installed
           Depends: ruby-net-ssh (>= 1:2.6.6) but it is not going to be installed
           Depends: ruby-net-ssh (< 1:2.8.0) but it is not going to be installed
           Depends: ruby1.9.1 but it is not going to be installed
N: Ignoring file '20auto-upgrades.ucf-dist' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

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