AUTHOR: The Wacky Viking
FILE: quote.php
To use this api, you have to host it on a public webserver.
This API will work off of ONE nightbot command, but it is recommended to split up. *See SUGGESTIONS
1) Save the file someplace on the server. PS: You can rename "quote.php" to anything you want.
2) Make sure the file has permission to read/write files
3) To add the API to nightbot, add this command;
!addcom !quote $(customapi https://HOST/PATH/quote.php?$(query))
The above command will let ANY type of user use all of the Quotes commands.
4) Run the Quote.php-file once from webbrowser.
If you have not specified a filename in CONFIGURATION, it will default to "quotes.txt".
If the program can't find the file, it will attempt to create it for you.
### USAGE ###
!quote : Displays random quote
!quote sel <INDEX> : Displays specific quote with INDEX.
!quote add <quote> : Adds a new quote <quote> to the list. Suggested format "<quote>" - @<user>, <year/date/situation>
!quote list : Provides a URL for you to see all the quotes and their INDEX
!quote edit <INDEX> <quote> : Overwrites quote with INDEX. Edited quote will be <quote>.
!quote rem <INDEX> : Removes quote with INDEX. Fetch the index at
I suggest having the administative commands(add, remove, edit) and the public RANDOM_QUOTE and LIST on two separate commands.
This is in order to prevent spamming new/dumb quotes, or griefers removing or editing quotes.
Ex. !addcom !quotes -ul=mod/reg/owner $(customapi https://HOST/PATH/quote.php?ARG=$(query)) This url should work with all of the features trusted people.
!addcom !quote $(costomapi https://HOST/PATH/quote.php) <-- Only displays random quote for regular users.
$GLOBALS['DEBUG'] = false; // Use this when you are testing, to get an output of which branch is acting, and which it is SUPPOSED to do.
$GLOBALS['DEBUG_COMM'] = false; // Use this to get DEBUG output from
$filename = "quotes.txt"; // Name of the textfile to store Quotes in. Name it whatever you want.
// Yes, this is all the config needed to run this API! =D Dynamic coding FTW!
$ALLOW_REMOVE = true; // If set to "false", you can only remove quotes directly in textfile.
$ALLOW_EDIT = true; // If set to "false", you can only edit quotes directly in textfile.
$ALLOW_LIST = true; // If set to "false", you can not list quotes. -- For server security.
$ALLOW_ADD = true; // If set to "false", you can only add quotes directly in textfile.
$ALLOW_SELECT = true; // If set to "false", you cannot select specific quote.
$input = ValidateInput();
$com = substr($input, 0, 4);
// $URL = returnDir();
// echo $URL;
$quotes = array();
// Script start
case 'ADD ':
if(!$GLOBALS['ALLOW_ADD']) exit("Error: Adding quotes is not enabled in config.");
$com = substr($input, 0, 3); // TODO : Must add "(<id>) - " as prefix.
$arg = substr($input, 4);
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG_COMM']) echo "DEBUG: Current command: ADD(" . $com . ") ARG: " . $arg;
case 'REM ':
if(!$GLOBALS['ALLOW_REMOVE']) exit("Error: Removing quotes is not enabled in config.");
$com = substr($input, 0, 3);
$arg = substr($input, 4);
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG_COMM']) echo "DEBUG: Current command: REM(" . $com . ") ARG: " . $arg;
case 'EDIT':
if(!$GLOBALS['ALLOW_EDIT']) exit("Error: Editing quotes is not enabled in config.");
$com = substr($input, 0, 4);
$arg = substr($input, 5);
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG_COMM']) echo "DEBUG: Current command: EDIT(" . $com . ") ARG: " . $arg;
case 'LIST':
if(!$GLOBALS['ALLOW_LIST']) exit("Error: Adding is not enabled in config.");
$com = substr($input, 0, 4);
$arg = substr($input, 5);
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG_COMM']) echo "DEBUG: Current command: LIST(" . $com . ") ARG: " . $arg; // No need to actually process arguments here. It will only provide a link to the quotes-list.
case 'SEL ':
if(!$GLOBALS['ALLOW_SELECT']) exit("Error: Adding is not enabled in config.");
$com = substr($input, 0, 3);
$arg = substr($input, 4);
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG_COMM']) echo "DEBUG: Current command: SELECT(" . $com . ") ARG: " . $arg;
$com = $input;
$arg = $com;
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG_COMM']) echo "DEBUG: Current command: DEFAULT(" . $com . ") ARG: " . $arg; // Displays when no other command is given. In this case, outputs a random quote.
function quoteAdd($toAdd){ // Update this code to add to array instead of the file itself. Use UpdateSavefile
$str = $toAdd;
$cnt = count($GLOBALS['quotes']) + 1;
$prefix = "(" . $cnt . ") - ";
// New code, adds quote to Array, which in turn updates the savefile
if(array_push($GLOBALS['quotes'], $prefix . $str . "\n")){
echo "Quote added!";
} else {
echo "ERROR: Quote was not added!";
function quoteRemove($id){ // TODO: Test this command properly.
// TODO: Add this function
// TODO: Make sure to refresh all INDEX-es in the textfile.
// IDEA: Don't mess with the array. As the array loads in from file
// every run, you can just find a way to remove one line of text
// matching the INDEX($id) provided from the textfile.
// Better idea: Remove from array, and replace the text-file with a looped through array
$tmp = array();
$toRemove = "(". $id . ") - ";
$lines = $GLOBALS['quotes'];
foreach($lines as &$value){
if(strpos($value, $toRemove) !== false){
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) echo "This branch should never be accessed.";
} else {
$toAdd = StripQuote($value);
$cnt = (count($tmp)+1);
$prefix = "(" . $cnt . ") - ";
$output = $prefix . $toAdd;
if(array_push($tmp, $output)){
// TODO: Check if you need to strip item here and re-set the INDEX-tag.
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) echo "Added value to array...";
//$GLOBALS['quotes'] = array();
$GLOBALS['quotes'] = $tmp; // Push items into the quotes array. Might need to strip them first.
function quoteList(){
echo "Check out all the quotes here: " . $GLOBALS['URL'] . $GLOBALS['filename'];
function quoteSelect($id){
echo StripQuote($GLOBALS['quotes'][$id-1]);
function quoteEdit($arg){
// TODO: Have to explode this into to different variables. One for INDEX, one for QUOTE
//echo $arg;
$tmp = explode(" ", $arg, 2);
$id = $tmp[0];
$quote = $tmp[1] . "\n";
echo "ID: " . $id . " - QUOTE: " . $quote;
$output = "(" . $id . ") - " . $quote;
$GLOBALS['quotes'][$id-1] = $output;
function RandomQuote(){
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) echo "Selecting random quote...";
$r = rand(0, count($GLOBALS['quotes'])-1);
$current = $r + 1;
//if($r <= 0) $r = 0; // Test this line
$str = $GLOBALS['quotes'][$r];
echo StripQuote($str);
function LoadQuotes(){
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) echo "Loading in Quotes from savefile...";
$file = fopen($GLOBALS['filename'], "r") or die('Unable to open "'. $GLOBALS['$filename'] .'". Make sure the file exists.'); // The file should always exist, as we create it if it don't every time we run the Initialize routine.
while(! feof($file)){
$str = fgets($file);
if($str != "") {
array_push($GLOBALS['quotes'], $str);
function StripQuote($toStrip){
// Strips a quote of its "(1)" index tag.
$start = strpos($toStrip, '"'); // Fetches the Index of the needle(here: ").
return substr($toStrip, $start); // Removes the unesessary indexing.
function ValidateInput(){
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) echo "Validating input...";
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) echo "Input OK!";
return $_GET['arg'];
} else {
return "Please specify 'arg' in URL.";
function ValidateFilename(){
// Check if filename is not empty. If it is, create a name.
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) echo "Filename: " . $GLOBALS['filename'];
if($GLOBALS['filename'] == ""){
$GLOBALS['filename'] = "quotes.txt"; // <-- Default filename. Triggers if no custom filename is given.
function UpdateSavefile(){
// TODO: Push array data into save file. This is the only function
// that should interact with the savefile!
file_put_contents($GLOBALS['filename'], "");
foreach($GLOBALS['quotes'] as &$value){
if(file_put_contents($GLOBALS['filename'], $value, FILE_APPEND)){
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) echo "Updating savefile...success!";
} else {
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) echo "Updating savefile...failed!";
function Initialize(){
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) echo "Initializing Quotes API...";
// Run this command every time the page loads
// in order to check if "quotes.txt" exists.
// Create file if not already exist.
$GLOBALS['filename'] = fopen($GLOBALS['filename'], "w");
if($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) echo "File did not exist. Created file...";
// Load quotes from file into the array.
function returnDir(){
$input = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$tmp = explode("/", $input);
$output = "";
foreach ($tmp as &$value) {
if($value != $tmp[count($tmp)-1])
$output = $output . $value . "/";
return $output;
的命令,并在命令中从用以下内容创建的网页中提取文本(也就是随机引用)我上面显示的PHP代码。我在命令中的$(customapi URL)
使用此命令,其中脚本的网站URL位于此处。当我尝试发行!Quote ADD时,我收到消息
&#39; [API必须返回少于400个字符]&#39;。