How to pass JSON response to model for use in GET request

时间:2015-11-01 01:41:49

标签: angularjs

I'm accessing an API which returns some JSON about nutritional information. I'm able to store the response in the model, display it, all that good stuff. I just chuck it into $scope.response = but there is another property which I would like to use to form a new request to the server.

I want to take data.item.ndbno, store it in $scope.querySelection = data.item.ndbno and use it as a parameter in the new request. I have tried using ng-value={{item.ndbno}}, and accessing it directly via index in the model alone. Basically for the end resoult, I would like to be able to click on any result in the list, and send a get request with that ndbno to the server. Currently the code sends an undefined ndbno like so

POST 400 (Bad Request).

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm sorry if this has an obvious solution to someone who's seasoned, but I'm a newbie, and I never used jQuery.

Here's my complete code. And just as a show of gratitude, whomever can help me, I will credit in the credits of the finished app.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="sugarApp">
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
    <title>Sugar App</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 
  <body ng-controller="loadingController">
    <div class="alert alert-info" ng-show="loading">Loading</div> <!-- show/hide based on the truthy or falsey value of $scope.loading-->
    <div ng-controller="sugarController">
        <form name="searchForm"  ng-submit="doSearch()">
            <input type="text" ng-model="queryInput" placeholder="Search a food or food product">
            <input type="submit" value="Search">
            <div ng-show="query">
            Results for '{{baseList.q}}'
                 <li ng-repeat="item in queryResult">

                <!-- the problem : ndbno parameter is not being passed, and as a result the request has an undefined value
                tried: baseList.ndbno, item.ndbno, $scope.baseList.ndbno, ng-value, bracket syntax [], other things i'm forgetting-->
                    <a href ng-click="showResults()">{{}}, {{item.ndbno}}</a>
                     <span ng-model="ndbnum" ng-bind="item.ndbno"></span>>

                The amount of sugar in <strong>{{prodDetail.nutrients[8].measures[3].eqv * .0353}}</strong>oz of <strong>{{}}</strong> is <strong>{{prodDetail.nutrients[8].measures[3].value}}g</strong>, or <strong>{{prodDetail.nutrients[8].measures[3].value / 7}} circus peanuts</strong>, or <strong>{{prodDetail.nutrients[8].measures[3].value / 4}} teaspoons</strong> of granulated sugar.
                    <small>Source: National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference - Release {{}}</small>

      <div ng-show="result"> <!-- show/hide based on the truthy or falsey value of $scope.result-->
        The amount of sugar in {{}} of {{}} is {{prodDetail.amount}} or circus peanuts or teaspoons of granulated sugar.


    clean up code: remove redundancies
    figure out how to pass the ndbno result to $scope.querySelection 

    replace deprecated .success with .then
    reformat get requests into factory
        $scope.doSearch = function(){ 
        $scope.$emit('LOAD'); //using $emit to signal when/vhen not to show the loading indicator 
        $scope.$emit('UNQUERY'); //using $emit to signal when/when not to show the search results view
        $scope.searchUrl = '';
        $scope.testUrl = '';
        $scope.api_key = '&api_key=DEMO_KEY';
        $scope.fmtJson = '?format=json';
        $scope.q = '&q=';
        $scope.callback = '&callback=JSON_CALLBACK';

            $scope.query = $scope.queryInput;

        $scope.fullUrl= $scope.searchUrl + $scope.fmtJson + $scope.q + $scope.query + $scope.api_key + $scope.callback;
        $scope.placeholder = "Search for a food or food product";
        //temporary comment out $scope.baseReport = {}; //initialize a blank baseReport array
            $scope.ndbnum = data.list.item.ndbno;

            $scope.showResults = function(){
            $scope.resultBaseUrl = '';
            $scope.ndb = '?ndbno=';

$scope.querySelection = $scope.ndbnum;

            $scope.rtype = '&type=b'
            $scope.fmtJson = '&format=json';
            $scope.api_key = '&api_key=DEMO_KEY';
            $scope.callback = '&callback=JSON_CALLBACK';
            //temporary comment out $scope.baseReport = {};
            $scope.resultUrl= $scope.resultBaseUrl + $scope.ndb + $scope.querySelection + $scope.rtype
            + $scope.api_key + $scope.fmtJson + $scope.callback;


    //setting up scope emit flags for use in showing/hiding view elements
        //used for showing or hiding results div
    .controller('resultController', ['$scope', function($scope){
    }]) //used for showing or hiding query list view div
    .controller('queryController', ['$scope', function($scope){
    }]) // used for showing or hiding the loading indicator div

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


$scope.ndbnum = data.list.item.ndbno;


enter image description here




答案 1 :(得分:1)



    <li ng-repeat="item in queryResult track by $index">
        <a href ng-click="showResults(item.ndbno, $index)">{{}}, {{item.ndbno}}</a>


$scope.showResults = function(ndbno, id){
    // with an index
    $scope.ndbnum = queryResult[id].ndbno
    // OR a bit easier without an index
    $scope.ndbnum = ndbno



Angular会自动将$index附加到ng-repeat范围,而没有必要track by你只能使用$index,但这会让人感到困惑正在使用$index,除非您明确将$index设置为track by以外的其他变量名称,否则父母$index可能会变得棘手