I need to make a swing application for a school project who let 2 AI play against each others on some kind of snake game.
I used a MVC design pattern and created the class I need for some basics test but I'm not sure where I should run the code who makes the AI plays.
The class of JPanel I want to run the game into look like that :
public class GamePanel extends JPanel {
public GamePanel (JFrame frame)
public paintComponent (Graphics g)
... // draw the grid that represent the game
I tried to put the code who makes the AI plays in the constructor but it wasn't working properly because I need to call the paintComponent() method each time an AI play (to refresh the grid who represent the game) and i can't call it because getGraphics() gives me a 'null' (I can't call paintComponent() without an instance of Graphics).
Where am I supposed to place the code who make the AI play? I've never used Swing before so I think I'm missing something obvious, I'm kinda lost...
I hope all of this make sense, English is not my mother tongue and I have some troubles to explain this issue. I really hope someone understand what I meant and can help me!