
时间:2015-10-30 15:57:20

标签: matlab image-processing

init_filename = 'vtkfile';         % name of the VTK file to be processed
ext_stack = '.vtk';                     % VTK file extension
ext_stl = '.stl';                       % extension of the output file. STL - stereolitography format, stores a list of 3-node triangular elements that comprise an object's surface mesh
ext_mat = '.mat';                       % extension of the outpit file that stores geometry information of individual objects

vtk_filename = strcat('vtk\',init_filename, ext_stack);

% Check if VTK file with user specified filename exists
if exist(vtk_filename,'file') == 0
    disp('No such file');

V = readvtk(vtk_filename)/255;         % writes (and converts to binary) the information from the VTK file into 3D matrix

dims = size(V)                        % dimensions of the input 3D matrix

cc = bwlabel(V,6);                  % identifies number of individual objects and stores their voxel coordinates in the 3D matrix (muCT data)



未定义的功能' bwlabel'对于输入参数类型' uint8'。

我使用带有图像处理工具的matlab 2014b


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