
时间:2015-10-29 23:09:41

标签: assembly x86 dos octal


; program to do octal input and output
org 100h
section .data
prompt1: db "Please enter a decimal number: $"
prompt2: db 0Dh,0Ah, "The number in octal is:    $"
prompt3: db 0Dh,0Ah, "The number in decimal is:    $"

section .text
mov ah,9           ; print prompt
mov dx,prompt1
int     21h
call    dec_in      ; read value into bx
mov ah,9            ; print output label
mov dx,prompt2
int     21h 
call    hexout
mov ah,9            ; print output label
mov dx,prompt3
int     21h
call    dec_out     ; display the value in bx as hex
; exit to DOS
mov ax,4C00h        ; Normal Exit
int 21h             ; bye!

; dec_in will read a base 10 value from the keyboard and place it into the bx    register
; save registers
push    ax
push    dx

xor bx,bx       ; bx holds accumulated input
mov ah,1        ; read char fcn
int 21h         ; read it into al
cmp al,0Dh      ; char = CR?
je  finis       ; if so, we are done
push    ax      ; save the character read
mov ax,10       ; set up for multiply
mul bx          ; dx:ax <- bx * 10
mov bx,ax       ; put 16-bit result back in bx (assume no overflow)
pop ax          ; restore the char read
and ax,000Fh    ; convert character '0'-'9' to value 0-9
add bx,ax       ; add value to accumulated input
mov ah,1        ; read char fcn
int 21h         ; read next char into al
jmp while1      ; loop until done
; restore registers
pop dx
pop ax

; hexout will display the binary value in the bx register as a base 16 value    
; save registers we will be using
push    ax
push    cx
push    dx
mov ah,2        ; display char fcn
mov cx,4        ; loop counter init
for1:               ; top of for loop
rol bx,4        ; rotate so digit is in lowest 4 bits
mov dl,bl       ; get low half in dl
and dl,0Fh      ;  and mask out all but 4 bits
cmp dl,9        ; dl <= 9?
jnbe    AtoF    ; if not, then it's A-F
or  dl,30h      ; convert 0-9 to '0'-'9'
jmp endif1      ; get ready to display
AtoF:   add dl,55   ; convert 10-15 to 'A'-'F'
endif1: int 21h     ; display char
loop    for1    ; loop until done
; restore registers
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax

; dec_out will display the binary value in the bx register as a base 10 value   
; save registers we will be using
push    ax
push    bx
push    cx
push    dx

xor cx,cx       ; cx counts digits, initially zero
mov ax,bx       ; set up to divide by by 10
xor dx,dx       ; must have a 32 bit (unsigned) dividend
mov bx,10       ; divisor will be in bx
div bx          ; quotient will be in ax, remainder in dx
push    dx      ; push remainder on stack
inc cx          ; we generated another digit, so count it
mov bx,ax       ; the quotient goes back in bx
cmp ax,0        ; clever way to test if quotient is zero
jne rept        ; if not, generate next digit

mov ah,2        ; display character function
for2:               ; loop cx times
pop dx          ; pop digit to print
or  dl,30h      ; convert the digit to print to ASCII code
int 21h         ; display the character
loop    for2    ; and keep going until all digits displayed

; restore registers
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



答案 1 :(得分:1)

八进制数只是二进制数的表示,使其成为shorter and more illustrative。精确的3位转换为八进制数字。



首先将三元组中的数字分组(like a decimal number):01,101,010。第一组只有两位数,因此添加一个前导零:001,101,010。现在将其转换为十进制:1,5,2。这些十进制数字也是八进制数字,因此八进制结果为152。
