Arch Linux上的Intellij Idea 14打开灰屏

时间:2015-10-29 21:15:21

标签: linux intellij-idea java-8 archlinux intellij-14

我正在尝试在我的Macbook上运行Intellij Idea 14,我已经加载了Arch Linux。我安装了AUR安装的Idea和Oracle JDK8。

当我运行idea.sh时,会显示启动画面,完成加载后会打开this screen


2015-10-29 17:02:33,298 [      0]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - ------------------------------------------------------ IDE STARTED ------------------------------------------------------ 
2015-10-29 17:02:33,312 [     14]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - IDE: IntelliJ IDEA (build #IC-141.2735.5, 22 Sep 2015 00:00) 
2015-10-29 17:02:33,312 [     14]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - OS: Linux (4.2.3-1-arch, amd64) 
2015-10-29 17:02:33,312 [     14]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JRE: 1.8.0_66-b17 (Oracle Corporation) 
2015-10-29 17:02:33,312 [     14]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JVM: 25.66-b17 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM) 
2015-10-29 17:02:33,314 [     16]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JVM Args: -Xbootclasspath/a:./../lib/boot.jar -Xms128m -Xmx750m -XX:MaxPermSize=350m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=225m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=50 -ea -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Djb.vmOptionsFile=./idea64.vmoptions -XX:ErrorFile=/home/noah/java_error_in_IDEA_%p.log -Djb.restart.code=88 -Didea.paths.selector=IdeaIC14 -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true 
2015-10-29 17:02:33,341 [     43]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JNA library loaded (64-bit) in 27 ms 
2015-10-29 17:02:33,424 [    126]   INFO - .intellij.idea.IdeaApplication - WM detected: bspwm 
2015-10-29 17:02:34,174 [    876]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - 29 plugins initialized in 612 ms 
2015-10-29 17:02:34,174 [    876]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Loaded bundled plugins: Android Support (, Ant Support (1.0), Bytecode Viewer (0.1), CVS Integration (11), Copyright (8.1), Coverage, Eclipse Integration (3.0), EditorConfig (1.0), Git Integration (8.1), GitHub, Gradle, Groovy (9.0), I18n for Java, IDEA CORE, IntelliLang (8.0), JUnit (1.0), Java Bytecode Decompiler (0.1), JavaFX (1.0), Maven Integration, Plugin DevKit (1.0), Properties Support, Subversion Integration (1.1), Task Management (1.0), Terminal (0.1), TestNG-J (8.0), UI Designer, XPathView + XSLT Support (4), XSLT-Debugger (1.4), hg4idea (10.0) 
2015-10-29 17:02:34,790 [   1492]   INFO - - lower=100; upper=200; buffer=10; max=739246080 
2015-10-29 17:02:34,814 [   1516]   INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Starting file watcher: /usr/share/intellijidea-ce/bin/fsnotifier64 
2015-10-29 17:02:34,822 [   1524]   INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Native file watcher is operational. 
2015-10-29 17:02:35,539 [   2241]   INFO - lij.diagnostic.DebugLogManager - Set DEBUG for the following categories: [] 
2015-10-29 17:02:35,977 [   2679]   INFO - rains.ide.BuiltInServerManager - built-in server started, port 63342 
2015-10-29 17:02:36,557 [   3259]   INFO -                  TestNG Runner - Create TestNG Template Configuration 
2015-10-29 17:02:36,622 [   3324]   INFO - ellij.project.impl.ProjectImpl - 20 project components initialized in 409 ms 
2015-10-29 17:02:36,622 [   3324]   INFO - le.impl.ModuleManagerComponent - 0 module(s) loaded in 0 ms 
2015-10-29 17:02:36,865 [   3567]   INFO - pl.stores.ApplicationStoreImpl - 83 application components initialized in 2621 ms 
2015-10-29 17:02:36,870 [   3572]   INFO - .intellij.idea.IdeaApplication - App initialization took 4204 ms 
2015-10-29 17:06:05,892 [ 212594]   INFO - - web server stopped 
2015-10-29 17:06:05,893 [ 212595]   INFO - Types.impl.FileTypeManagerImpl - FileTypeManager: 0 auto-detected files
Elapsed time on auto-detect: 0 ms 
2015-10-29 17:06:05,907 [ 212609]   INFO - dea.ddms.adb.AdbService$Ddmlib - DDMLib terminated 
2015-10-29 17:06:05,907 [ 212609]   INFO - il.indexing.FileBasedIndexImpl - START INDEX SHUTDOWN 
2015-10-29 17:06:05,927 [ 212629]   INFO - il.indexing.FileBasedIndexImpl - END INDEX SHUTDOWN 
2015-10-29 17:06:05,927 [ 212629]   INFO - stubs.SerializationManagerImpl - START StubSerializationManager SHUTDOWN 
2015-10-29 17:06:05,927 [ 212629]   INFO - stubs.SerializationManagerImpl - END StubSerializationManager SHUTDOWN 
2015-10-29 17:06:06,002 [ 212704]   WARN - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Watcher terminated with exit code 0 
2015-10-29 17:06:06,003 [ 212705]   INFO - newvfs.persistent.PersistentFS - VFS dispose started 
2015-10-29 17:06:06,003 [ 212705]   INFO - newvfs.persistent.PersistentFS - VFS dispose completed 
2015-10-29 17:06:06,007 [ 212709]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - ------------------------------------------------------ IDE SHUTDOWN ------------------------------------------------------ 


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

