
时间:2015-10-29 18:23:30

标签: c++ class operator-overloading


我想做的是;输入一个名字" lEonArDo DA vINCi"其中包含UPPER和小写字母,以及它们诞生的日期" 1520",然后有代码将名称变为小写并且仅将单词中的第一个字母大写,最后输出那个名字。


class Person{ //Can't change from here.
    Person(string n, int year) : name(n), yearOfBirth(year){}
    string getName();
    friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, const Person&);
    string name; int yearOfBirth;
}; // to here.

string Person::getName() //output the name
    // I think the output should be here but it doesn't work.
    // I have also switched the code in the operator into the getName put it still doesn't work.
    return name;

ostream& operator << (ostream& output, const Person& P){ //turns everything into lowercase.
    locale loc;
    string temp = ""; //well be asigning the lowercase letters here; one at a time.
    int ii = 0;
    for (string::size_type i = 0; i < P.name.length(); i++) { //reads the input one at a time.
        if ((ii == 0) || (ii >= 1 && ((P.name[i - 1]) == char(32)))) {(toupper(P.name[i], loc), (temp += toupper(P.name[i], loc))); }//if it was lowercase and the first letter, it turns it into uppercase and assigns it to temp.
        else (tolower(P.name[i], loc), (temp += tolower(P.name[i], loc))); //if it was uppercase it turns it into lowercase and assigns it to temp.
    } //name = temp; //assigns the full lowercase word back to input01.*/
    output << temp << " was born in " << P.yearOfBirth;
    return output;

int main(){
    Person::Person("lEonArDo DA vINCi", 1520);
    // I have tried putting a output statement here as well
    return 0;

所以,我的问题是;我该如何输出名字? (即cout。)我需要在哪里输出输出语句? (在getName中或在main函数中。)即使你能告诉我一个模糊的答案它应该对我有多大帮助。 很抱歉不得不提出一个愚蠢的问题,并浪费你的时间。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Person::Person("lEonArDo DA vINCi", 1520);


Person leonardo("lEonArDo DA vINCi", 1520);

这会生成一个名为leonardo的{​​{1}}类型变量,并使用Person对其进行初始化。然后可以使用"lEonArDo DA vINCi", 1520来访问此leonardo。例如,获取并打印名称



std::cout << leonardo.getName() << std::endl;


您可能希望从&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; std::cout << leonardo <<std::endl; 构造函数的运算符。这种方式而不是存储破损的“lEonArDo DA vINCi”,您可以存储正确的版本并仅打印出&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;运营商。这使得&lt;&lt;操作员更简单,只需在施工时进行一次修正,而不是每次打印都是如此。