I have Karma/Jasmine setup, and I can test my Controllers. I would like to be able to load my route templates in a test, and bind with a controller to verify that the template is complete and the bindings are setup correctly. For this layer of testing, I don't want to deploy the app yet.
I'm trying to follow some other recommendations and use the ControllerAs syntax in my template.
So I have a template that looks something like this...
<p>Name: <input type="text" ng-model="page.firstName"/></p>
<p>Name: <input type="text" ng-model="page.lastName"/></p>
Full Name :<p ng-bind="page.fullName()"></p>
There is a route setup for this. However, I would prefer to skip the routing in the test, and be able to load the template and apply my context manually.
templateUrl: "../resources/html/sampleEdit.html",
controller: "SampleEditController",
controllerAs: 'page'
If I try to use $compile(template)($scope), the ng-model elements are ignored, because this is not a directive, this is a template
I've also tried using jasmine-jquery fixtures. Trying every combination of ng-app, ng-controller I can think of. But if I can't get even this example to work.
var s = jasmine.getFixtures().set("{{2+3}}");
Any ideas, pointers? I'm pretty new to Angular, so I'm probably missing something basic.