I have a panel plot shown below. The main problem is ylab and xlab titles are not showing up. How can I set it or reduce the graphics to have all within the window?
Below the command used to make the plot:
main=" ", # Main title for t`enter code here`he plot
xlab="Time", # Label for the x-axis
ylab="rainfall (mm/day)", # Label for the y-axis
font.lab=1, # Font to use for the axis labels: 1=plain
ylim=c(0, 4), # Range for the y-axis; "x
xaxp=c(2071,2095,4), # X-axis min, max and
bty="l", lwd=2)
me.time = time(me.ts)
abline(reg=lm(me.ts ~ me.time),col="blue", lwd=2, asp=1)
m=lm(me.ts ~ me.time)