How do I use mock MOC in my viewcontroller with Xcode 7 UITests?

时间:2015-10-29 15:41:44

标签: swift core-data xctest moc uitest

So I have found that when writing XCTests or UI tests, I can't access my app delegate's MOC. I got some kind of error that said "I am MyAppUITests and I cannot access MyApp stuff."

Cool, no problem, I wrote all my code to accept any MOC and then made a mock MOC in setup() so that every XCTest has a fresh slate that doesn't touch my actual data. Import my app as testable. Boom, everything works, I don't have to change targets nor write any code in my objects to "force it work for testing!"

The problem is I am not sure how to do this for UI tests and with storyboards. Most of my view controllers get my MOC from appdelegate in viewdidload. I can't figure out how to tell it to use a mock moc so that every test can start clean and so that it doesn't use my actual core data store, but then also be able to work normally when not testing. The goal here is to have the main application code not have any references to it knowing that it is being tested.

There must be a clean way to do this without getting ugly, changing targets, etc. Something that will work like my XCTests did but for UI. I found this: How to start with empty Core Data for every UI Test Assertion in Swift?, but no one answered. This user is asking a similar question, but has the wrong approach I think (emptying core data instead of using a mock MOC).


For what it's worth, I'm building a Mac app.

1 个答案:

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问题是我不知道如何为UI测试和使用   故事板。我的大多数视图控制器都从appdelegate获取我的MOC   在viewdidload中。




@property (strong) NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext;



if (!self.managedObjectContext) {
    self.managedObjectContext = appDelegate.managedObjectContext;


然而,它将允许您的应用程序继续像现在一样工作,并且还将为您提供一种在UI测试中实例化视图控制器并为其提供" mock" MOC。
