<%@ Language="VBScript"%>
<% response.Buffer = TRUE
'Defines the variables and objects
dim ADUser, RecordList, intOne, intTwo, intThree, companies, service_area, department, arrComp
'Assigns the objComp and objDept variables to Scripting Dictionary objects
<!--#include file="includes/functions.asp"-->
<!--#include file="includes/display.asp"-->
<!--#include file="includes/results.asp"-->
<!--#include file="includes/timer.asp"-->
<h1>Organisational Structure</h1>
<div class="commandspace">
<p class="infotext">The org structure can be viewed with or without staff, indented or left justified.</p>
ADUser = "LDAP://RBCTHDC1/OU=Staff,OU=Users,DC=example,DC=internal"
' Make AD connection and run query
Set objCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objCon.provider ="ADsDSOObject"
objCon.Properties("User ID") = "DOMAIN\username"
objCon.Properties("Password") = "Password"
objCon.Properties("Encrypt Password") = TRUE
objCon.open "Active Directory Provider"
Set objCom = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set objCom.ActiveConnection = objCon
objCom.CommandText ="select company FROM '"& ADUser &"' where company ='*'"
Set objRS = objCom.Execute 'Creates an object and runs the LDAP query
companies = objRS.GetRows()
set arrComp = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
for intOne = 0 to UBound(companies,2)
if not arrComp.exists(companies(0, intOne)) then
arrComp.add companies(0, intOne), companies(0, intOne)
end if
response.write "<form action='index.asp?View=Structure' method='POST'>"
response.write "<select id='service_area' name='service_area' onChange='showTeams(this.value)'>"
response.write "<option>Please Select</option>"
for intTwo = 0 to arrComp.Count
response.write "<option value='"& Server.URLEncode(arrComp.Item(intTwo)) &"'>" & arrComp.Item(intTwo) & "</option>" & VBCrlF
response.write "</select>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<span class='structure-spacing'></span>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<select id='department' name='department'></select>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<span class='structure-spacing'></span>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<input type='submit' name='submit' id='submit'>" & VBCrlF
response.write "</form>" & VBCrlF
if request.form("submit")="Submit" then
service_area = request.form("service_area")
department = request.form("department")
if service_area = "Please Select" then
response.write "<p>Service area cannot be left empty</p>"
end if
if IsEmpty(department) then
response.write "<p>Department cannot be left empty</p>"
end if
objCom.CommandText ="select company, department, title, cn FROM '"& ADUser &"' where department = '" & department & "' ORDER BY department"
objCom.CommandText ="select company, department, title, cn FROM '"& ADUser &"' where company ='*' ORDER BY department"
end if
Set objRS = objCom.Execute 'Creates an object and runs the LDAP query
RecordList = objRS.GetRows()
response.write "<table>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<thead>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<tr>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<th>Service Area</th>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<th>Department</th>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<th>Job Title</th>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<th>Name</th>" & VBCrlF
response.write "</tr>" & VBCrlF
response.write "</thead>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<tbody>" & VBCrlF
for intThree = 0 to UBound(RecordList,2)
response.write "<tr>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<td>" & RecordList(3, intThree) & "</td>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<td>" & RecordList(2, intThree) & "</td>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<td>" & RecordList(1, intThree) & "</td>" & VBCrlF
response.write "<td>" & RecordList(0, intThree) & "</td>" & VBCrlF
response.write "</tr>" & VBCrlF
response.write "</tbody>" & VBCrlF
response.write "</table>" & VBCrlF
Set objCon = Nothing
Set objCom = Nothing
我无法找到删除重复条目的方法。使用脚本字典,我得到一个空的下拉框。它没有返回服务区列表,也没有返回任何内容 - 只是一个空的选项值