在winWin 7上设置WAMP - 与'localhost'

时间:2015-10-27 19:59:03

标签: localhost iis-7.5 wamp dreamweaver

我对这些东西一无所知所以请耐心等待。 3个小时后,我终于通过更改端口(在文件httpd.conf,wampmanager.tpl& wampmanager.ini中)使用localhost:8080获得了WAMP“绿灯”(我曾尝试禁用IIS 7.5但没有运气,我一直得到'IIS使用的端口80',是的,我在Skype中更改了设置,然后最终完全卸载了它。)

当我去'localhost'时,我在inetpub / wwwroot中看到了所有内容的列表。


我将一个php(非数据库)网站复制到wamp / www文件夹中,命名为“websitename”文件夹(其中包含index.php文件)。当我转到http://localhost:8080并进入WAMP屏幕,然后点击项目'websitename'时,我会在浏览器地址栏中看到这个:



    Open index.php in www folder and set

change line 30:$suppress_localhost = true;

to $suppress_localhost = false;

This will ensure the project is prefixed with your local host IP/name

当我这样做时,现在当我转到'localhost:8080 / websitename'时,我收到“内部服务器错误”。


The WAMP user menu

When you select the httpd.conf entry, Notepad will open with the contents of the httpd.conf file. Within this file, you need to uncomment out the entry for virtual hosts configuration file location. Search for these two lines:

# Virtual hosts
# Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Remove the "#" in the second line above and save and close the httpd.conf file.

The next file to edit cannot be accessed through the WAMP user interface; you should find this file in C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache-XXX\conf\extra\ (XXX is the release number). Open that file in Notepad and add the following section (we're sticking with our current example of "mysite").

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin emailaddress@domain.com
DocumentRoot "c:\MYSITE"
ServerName mysite.local
ErrorLog "logs/mysite.log"
CustomLog "logs/mysite-access.log" common




我也不了解Dreamweaver与inetpub / wwwroot中的文件以及应该/将在wamp / www文件夹中的文件之间的关系。我已经尝试在inetpub / wwwroot文件夹中的文件夹中以及wamp / www文件夹中设置一个测试服务器。两者都给出相同的结果(内部服务器错误)。


Connection Using: Local/Network
ServerFolder:  C:\wamp\www\websitename
Web URL: http://localhost:8080/websitename/

一旦我将'localhost'问题排序,我将把我的所有网站文件从inetpub / wwwroot移到wamp / www?

非常感谢你。 :)

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