
时间:2015-10-27 17:05:24

标签: java hashtable spell-checking spelling



  1. 我猜我需要创建一个带字符串字的ADT类。

  2. 我需要一个读取字典文本文件的主类,并取一个用户输入的句子。然后,该类扫描该字符串,然后通过记录单词之间的空格将每个单词放入ArrayList中。然后,布尔方法会将Arraylist中的每个单词传递给将处理拼写错误的类,如果单词有效或错误则返回。

  3. 我相信我需要创建一个从单词列表生成拼写错误的类并将它们存储到哈希表中?将有一个布尔方法,它接受一个字符串参数,该参数检查表中该单词是否有效并返回true或false。

  4. 在产生拼写错误时,我必须注意的关键概念是: (例如,单词:“你好”)

    1. 缺少字符。例如。 “Ello”,“Helo”
    2. 这个词的混乱版本。例如。 “ehllo”,“helol”
    3. 语音拼写错误。例如。 “fello”('f'代表'h')
    4. 如何改善这种想法?


       * The main program that loads the correct dictionary spellings 
       * and takes input to be analyzed from user.
       * @author Catherine Austria
      public class SpellChecker {
          private static String stringInput; // input to check;
          private static String[] checkThis; // the stringInput turned array of words to check.
          public static HashSet dictionary; // the dictionary used
           * Main method.
           * @param args Argh!
          public static void main(String[] args) {
          }//end of main
           * This method loads the dictionary and initiates the checks for errors in a scanned input.
          public static void setup(){
              int tableSIZE=59000;
              dictionary = new HashSet(tableSIZE);
              try {
                  //System.out.print(System.getProperty("user.dir"));//just to find user's working directory;
                  // I combined FileReader into the BufferReader statement
                  //the file is located in edu.frostburg.cosc310
                  BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("./dictionary.txt"));
                  String line = null; // notes one line at a time
                  while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
                      dictionary.add(line);//add dictinary word in
                  bufferedReader.close(); //close file        
              catch(FileNotFoundException ex) {
                  ex.printStackTrace();//print error             
              catch(IOException ex) {
                  ex.printStackTrace();//print error
          }//end of setUp
           * Just a prompt for auto generated tests or manual input test.
          public static void prompt(){
              System.out.println("Type a number from below: ");
              System.out.println("1. Auto Generate Test\t2.Manual Input\t3.Exit");
              Scanner theLine = new Scanner(;
              int choice = theLine.nextInt(); // for manual input
              if(choice==1) autoTest();
              else if(choice==2) startwInput();
              else if (choice==3) System.exit(0);
              else System.out.println("Invalid Input. Exiting.");
           * Manual input of sentence or words.
          public static void startwInput(){
              //printDictionary(bufferedReader); // print dictionary
              System.out.println("Spell Checker by C. Austria\nPlease enter text to check: ");
              Scanner theLine = new Scanner(;
              stringInput = theLine.nextLine(); // for manual input
              System.out.print("\nYou have entered this text: "+stringInput+"\nInitiating Check..."); 
              //final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //speed test
              WordFinder grammarNazi = new WordFinder(); //instance of MisSpell
              splitString(removePunctuation(stringInput));//turn String line to String[]
              //final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
              //System.out.println("Total execution time: " + (endTime - startTime) );
          }//end of startwInput
           * Generates a testing case.
          public static void autoTest(){
              System.out.println("Spell Checker by C. Austria\nThis sentence is being tested:\nThe dog foud my hom. And m ct hisse xdgfchv!@# ");
              WordFinder grammarNazi = new WordFinder(); //instance of MisSpell
              splitString(removePunctuation("The dog foud my hom. And m ct hisse xdgfchv!@# "));//turn String line to String[]
          }//end of autoTest
           * This method prints the entire dictionary. 
           * Was used in testing.
           * @param bufferedReader the dictionary file
          public static void printDictionary(BufferedReader bufferedReader){
              String line = null; // notes one line at a time
                  while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
              }catch(FileNotFoundException ex) {
                  ex.printStackTrace();//print error             
              catch(IOException ex) {
                  ex.printStackTrace();//print error
          }//end of printDictionary
           * This methods splits the passed String and puts them into a String[]
           * @param sentence The sentence that needs editing.
          public static void splitString(String sentence){
              // split the sentence in between " " aka spaces
              checkThis = sentence.split(" ");
          }//end of splitString
           * This method removes the punctuation and capitalization from a string.
           * @param sentence The sentence that needs editing.
           * @return the edited sentence.
          public static String removePunctuation(String sentence){
              String newSentence; // the new sentence
              //remove evil punctuation and convert the whole line to lowercase
              newSentence = sentence.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z\\s]", "").replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
              return newSentence;
          }//end of removePunctuation
      This class checks for misspellings
      public class WordFinder extends SpellChecker{
          private int wordsLength;//length of String[] to check
          private List<String> wrongWords = new ArrayList<String>();//stores incorrect words
           * This methods checks the String[] for spelling errors. 
           * Hashes each index in the String[] to see if it is in the dictionary HashSet
           * @param words String list of misspelled words to check
          public void initialCheck(String[] words){
              for(int i=0;i<wordsLength;i++){
                  //System.out.println("What I'm checking: "+words[i]); //test only
                  if(!dictionary.contains(words[i])) wrongWords.add(words[i]);
              } //end for
              //manualWordLookup(); //for testing dictionary only
              if (!wrongWords.isEmpty()) {
                  System.out.println("Mistakes have been made!");
              } //end if
              if (wrongWords.isEmpty()) {
                  System.out.println("\n\nMove along. End of Program.");
              } //end if
          }//end of initialCheck
           * This method that prints the incorrect words in a String[] being checked and generates suggestions.
          public void printIncorrect(){//delete this guy
              System.out.print("These words [ ");
              for (String wrongWord : wrongWords) {
                  System.out.print(wrongWord + " ");
              }//end of for
              System.out.println("]seems incorrect.\n");
          }//end of printIncorrect
           * This method gives suggestions to the user based on the wrong words she/he misspelled.
          public void suggest(){
              MisSpell test = new MisSpell();
                  String wordCheck=wrongWords.remove(0);
                  //if the possibilities size is greater than 0 then print suggestions
                  if(test.possibilities.size()>=0) test.print(test.possibilities);
              }//end of while
          }//end of suggest
          /*ENTERING TEST ZONE*/
           * This allows a tester to look thorough the dictionary for words if they are valid; and for testing only.
          public void manualWordLookup(){
              System.out.print("Enter 'ext' to exit.\n\n");
              Scanner line = new Scanner(;
              String look=line.nextLine();
              if(dictionary.contains(look)) System.out.print(look+" is valid\n");
              else System.out.print(look+" is invalid\n");
              }while (!look.equals("ext"));
          }//end of manualWordLookup
       * This is the main class responsible for generating misspellings.
       * @author Catherine Austria
      public class MisSpell extends SpellChecker{
          public List<String> possibilities = new ArrayList<String>();//stores possible suggestions
          private List<String> tempHolder = new ArrayList<String>(); //telps for the transposition method
          private int Ldistance=0; // the distance related to the two words
          private String wrongWord;// the original wrong word.
           * Execute methods that make misspellings.
           * @param wordCheck the word being checked.
          public void generateMispellings(String wordCheck){
              }catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e){ 
              }catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e){
           * This method concats the word behind each of the alphabet letters and checks if it is in the dictionary. 
           * FL for first letter
           * @param word the word being manipulated.
          public void concatFL(String word){
              char cur; // current character
              String tempWord=""; // stores temp made up word
              for(int i=97;i<123;i++){
                  cur=(char)i;//assign ASCII from index i value
                  //if the word is in the dictionary then add it to the possibilities list
                  tempWord=tempWord.concat(word); //add passed String to end of tempWord
                  checkDict(tempWord); //check to see if in dictionary
                  tempWord="";//reset temp word to contain nothing
              }//end of for
          }//end of concatFL
           * This concatenates the alphabet letters behind each of the word and checks if it is in the dictionary. LL for last letter.
           * @param word the word being manipulated.
          public void concatLL(String word){
              char cur; // current character
              String tempWord=""; // stores temp made up word
              for(int i=123;i>97;i--){
                  cur=(char)i;//assign ASCII from index i value
                  tempWord=tempWord.concat(word); //add passed String to end of tempWord
                  //if the word is in the dictionary then add it to the possibilities list
                  tempWord="";//reset temp word to contain nothing
              }//end of for
          }//end of concatLL
           * This method replaces the first letter (FL) of a word with alphabet letters.
           * @param word the word being manipulated.
          public void replaceFL(String word){
              char cur; // current character
              String tempWord=""; // stores temp made up word
              for(int i=97;i<123;i++){
                  cur=(char)i;//assign ASCII from index i value
                  tempWord=cur+word.substring(1,word.length()); //add the ascii of i ad the substring of the word from index 1 till the word's last index
                  tempWord="";//reset temp word to contain nothing
              }//end of for
          }//end of replaceFL
           * This method replaces the last letter (LL) of a word with alphabet letters
           * @param word the word being manipulated.
          public void replaceLL(String word){
              char cur; // current character
              String tempWord=""; // stores temp made up word
              for(int i=97;i<123;i++){
                  cur=(char)i;//assign ASCII from index i value
                  tempWord=word.substring(0,word.length()-1)+cur; //add the ascii of i ad the substring of the word from index 1 till the word's last index
                  tempWord="";//reset temp word to contain nothing
              }//end of for
          }//end of replaceLL
           * This deletes first letter and sees if it is in dictionary
           * @param word the word being manipulated.
          public void deleteFL(String word){
              String tempWord=word.substring(1,word.length()-1); // stores temp made up word
          }//end of deleteFL
           * This deletes last letter and sees if it is in dictionary
           * @param word the word being manipulated.
          public void deleteLL(String word){
              String tempWord=word.substring(0,word.length()-1); // stores temp made up word
          }//end of deleteLL
           * This method pluralizes a word input
           * @param word the word being manipulated.
          public void pluralize(String word){
              String tempWord=word+"s";
          }//end of pluralize
           * It's purpose is to check a word if it is in the dictionary. 
           * If it is, then add it to the possibilities list.
           * @param word the word being checked.
          public void checkDict(String word){
              if(dictionary.contains(word)){//check to see if tempWord is in dictionary
                  //if the tempWord IS in the dictionary, then check if it is in the possibilities list 
                  //then if tempWord IS NOT in the list, then add tempWord to list
                  if(!possibilities.contains(word)) possibilities.add(word);
          }//end of checkDict
           * This method transposes letters of a word into different places.
           * Not the best implementation. This guy was my last minute addition.
           * @param word the word being manipulated.
          public void transposition(String word){
              int wordLen=word.length();
              String[] mixer = new String[wordLen]; //String[] length of the passed word
              //make word into String[]
              for(int i=0;i<wordLen;i++){
                  mixer [i]=word.substring(i,i+1);
          }//end of transposition
           * This method takes a string[] list then shifts the value in between 
           * the elements in the list and checks if in dictionary, adds if so. 
           * I agree that this is probably the brute force implementation.
           * @param mixer the String array being shifted around.
          public void shift(String[] mixer){
              String wordValue="";
              for(int i=0;i<=tempHolder.size();i++){
                  resetHelper(tempHolder);//reset the helper
                  transposeHelper(mixer);//fill tempHolder
                  String wordFirstValue=tempHolder.remove(i);//remove value at index in tempHolder
                  for(int j=0;j<tempHolder.size();j++){
                      int inttemp=0;
                      String temp;
                          if(dictionary.contains(wordValue)) if(!possibilities.contains(wordValue)) possibilities.add(wordValue);
                      }//end of while
                  }//end of for
              }//end for
          }//end of shift
           * This method fills a list tempHolder with contents from String[]
           * @param wordMix the String array being shifted around.
          public void transposeHelper(String[] wordMix){
              for(int i=0;i<wordMix.length;i++){
          }//end of transposeHelper
           * This resets a list
           * @param thisList removes the content of a list
          public void resetHelper(List<String> thisList){
              while(!thisList.isEmpty()) thisList.remove(0); //while list is not empty, remove first value
          }//end of resetHelper
           * This method prints out a list
           * @param listPrint the list to print out.
          public void print(List<String> listPrint){
              if (possibilities.isEmpty()) {
                  System.out.print("Can't seem to find any related words for "+wrongWord);
              System.out.println("Maybe you meant these for "+wrongWord+": ");
              System.out.printf("%s", listPrint);
          }//end of print
           * This returns a String word version of a list
           * @param listPrint the list to make into a word.
           * @return the generated word version of a list.
          public String printWord(List<String> listPrint){
              Object[] suggests = listPrint.toArray();
              String theWord="";
              for(Object word: suggests){//form listPrint elements into a word
              return theWord;
          }//end of printWord

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


答案 1 :(得分:2)



