框,其中包含一些文字说Loading record x of y
<?php namespace App\Models;
use SoapClient;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Redirect;
class SoapWrapper {
// SOAP exchange for WoS authentication
public $auth_client;
public $auth_response;
// SOAP exchange for WoS search
public $search_client;
public $search_response;
// number of records found
public $len;
// XML data to send as SOAP Request to WoS
public $data;
// array to store records
public $records = [];
// function to iterate and store all relevant data returned from SOAP exchange
public function iterateWosSearch($submit) {
// variable to store average time/record retrieval (based on calculations)
$avg = 0.08;
// create a variable to store time for loading screen
$timeDecimal = (round((($submit->len)*$avg), 2));
// create an array to represent citation values to ignore, i.e. not interested
// in any publications with less than 4 citations
$ignore = array(0, 1, 2, 3);
// create a counter variable to use for progress bar
$counter = 1;
// turn time into readable format (mins & secs, rather than just secs)
if ($timeDecimal > 59.99) {
$minutes = round(($timeDecimal/60), 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
while ($timeDecimal > 59.99) {
$timeDecimal -= 60;
$seconds = round($timeDecimal, 0);
} else {
$minutes = 0;
$seconds = round($timeDecimal, 0);
// iterate through all records, perform search for each 100 records (max per call)
// and tabulate data
for ($i = 1; $i <= ($submit->len); $i+=100) {
// set search parameters for current iteration (first record = 1, 101, 201, 301 etc.)
$submit->data['retrieveParameters']['firstRecord'] = $i;
// gather search response for current iteration
try {
$submit->search_response = $submit->search_client->search($submit->data);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
// turn Soap Client object from current response into XML element
$xml = simplexml_load_string($submit->search_response->return->records);
// save variable names for citations, country and publication year
$citations = "";
$pubyear = "";
$country = "";
// iterate through current data set and store to $records array
foreach($xml->REC as $record) {
// create authors array for this REC data
$authors = [];
return View::make('loading', array('minutes' => $minutes, 'seconds' => $seconds, 'counter' => $counter));
// authors
foreach($record->static_data->summary->names->name as $thisAuthor) {
array_push($authors, $thisAuthor->full_name);
// country (if exists)
if (isset($record->static_data->item->reprint_contact->address_spec->country)) {
$country = (string)$record->static_data->item->reprint_contact->address_spec->country;
} else {
$country = "";
// set current publication year
$pubyear = (string)$record->static_data->summary->pub_info->attributes()->pubyear;
// number of citations, if 0-3 ($ignore array) then 'break' out of loop entirely
if (!in_array($record->dynamic_data->citation_related->tc_list->silo_tc->attributes(), $ignore)) {
$citations = (string)$record->dynamic_data->citation_related->tc_list->silo_tc->attributes();
} else {
// break from both loops
break 2;
// for this iteration map all the values recorded into a temporary array variable,
// $aRecord (equivalent to one row of data in table)
$arecord = [
"authors" => $authors,
"ID" => "",
"pubyear" => $pubyear,
"country" => $country,
"citations" => $citations
// pass the data from this iteration into the array variable '$records',
// after all iterations, each element in $records will be a single
// record or row of data for a single journal
array_push($submit->records, $arecord) ;
// increment for next record
,通过传递<?php echo $minutes ?>
<p>Loading record <?php echo $counter ?> of <?php echo $len ?></p>