
时间:2015-10-27 13:25:27

标签: string vba


cCount = String(5 - Len(cTemp), "0") & cTemp
mCount = String(5 - Len(mTemp), "0") & mTemp

cCount = Format(cTemp, "00000")
mCount = Format(mTemp, "00000")


所有变量都以整数形式变暗。我正在寻找的一个例子是,如果mTemp是15,那么mCount将是00015。但是,mCount刚刚回来为15. cCount工作正常。


Sub MakePay()

Dim strFileToOpen As String
Dim payDate, payTab, payCheckTemp, payCheck, payAccTemp As String
Dim payAcc, payAmount, payTotalC, payTotalM As String
Dim savePath As String
Dim payFileNameCLP, payFileNameMF As String
Dim payString1, payString2, payString3, payString4, payString5, payString6 As String
Dim payString7, payString8, payString9 As String
Dim rCnt, i, j, cTemp, cCount, mTemp, mCount As Integer
Dim payTotalMTemp, payAmountTemp, payTotalCTemp As Double

' Set date
payDate = Format(Now(), "yyyymmddhhmmss")
' Ask for check number and format to field length
payCheckTemp = InputBox("Please enter the check number.")
payCheck = payCheckTemp & String(15 - Len(payCheckTemp), " ")
' Create file names and open text files for writing
payFileNameCLP = "CLP_" & payDate & "_01.txt"
payFileNameMF = "MDF_" & payDate & "_01.txt"
savePath = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\"
Open savePath & payFileNameCLP For Output As #1
Open savePath & payFileNameMF For Output As #2

' Build header rows and print them
payString1 = "100"
payString2 = "200          C"
Print #1, payString1
Print #1, payString2
Print #2, payString1
Print #2, payString2

' reset counters for number of claims and total dollar amounts in files
cTemp = 0
mTemp = 0
payTotalCTemp = 0
payTotalMTemp = 0

For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
    ' Process the Clearpoint tab
    If Left(Sheets(i).Name, 3) = "CLE" Then
        rCnt = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        For j = 3 To (rCnt - 1)
            ' Read accession # and format it for field length
            payAccTemp = Cells(j, 3).Value
            payAcc = payAccTemp & String(17 - Len(payAccTemp), " ")
            ' Read payment amount, if $0, skip
            payAmountTemp = Format(Cells(j, 5).Value2, "#,###.00")
            If payAmountTemp = "" Then
                GoTo SkipCDL
            End If
            ' Add payment to total Clearpoint payments
            payTotalCTemp = payTotalCTemp + payAmountTemp
            ' Format payment by deleting decimal and then format to field length
            payAmount = Format(payAmountTemp * 100, "0000000;-000000")

            ' Build payment strings and print them
            payString3 = "400" & String(10, " ") & payAcc & payCheck
            payString4 = "450" & String(10, " ") & payAcc & String(150, " ") & payAmount
            payString5 = "500" & String(10, " ") & payAcc & String(73, " ") & payAmount
            Print #1, payString3
            Print #1, payString4
            Print #1, payString5
            ' Increase Clearpoint patient count
            cTemp = cTemp + 1
        Next j
    ' Process Medfusion tab
    ElseIf Left(Sheets(i).Name, 3) = "MED" Then
        rCnt = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        For j = 3 To (rCnt - 1)
            ' Read accession # and format it for field length
            payAccTemp = Cells(j, 3).Value
            payAcc = payAccTemp & String(17 - Len(payAccTemp), " ")
            ' Read payment amount, if $0, skip
            payAmountTemp = Format(Cells(j, 5).Value2, "#,###.00")
            If payAmountTemp = "" Then
                GoTo SkipMDF
            End If
            ' Add payment to total Medfusion payments
            payTotalMTemp = payTotalMTemp + payAmountTemp
            ' Format payment by deleting decimal and then format to field length
            payAmount = Format(payAmountTemp * 100, "0000000;-000000")

            ' Build payment strings and print them
            payString3 = "400" & String(10, " ") & payAcc & payCheck
            payString4 = "450" & String(10, " ") & payAcc & String(150, " ") & payAmount
            payString5 = "500" & String(10, " ") & payAcc & String(73, " ") & payAmount
            Print #2, payString3
            Print #2, payString4
            Print #2, payString5
            ' Increase Medfusion count
            mTemp = mTemp + 1
        Next j
    End If
Next i

' Format patient counter and total payment to field length

cCount = Format(cTemp, "00000")
mCount = Format(mTemp, "00000")
payTotalC = Format(payTotalCTemp * 100, "000000000;-00000000")
payTotalM = Format(payTotalMTemp * 100, "000000000;-00000000")

' Build footer strings and print them
payString6 = "800" & String(26, " ") & "9999" & cCount & String(131, " ") & payTotalC
payString7 = "800" & String(26, " ") & "9999" & mCount & String(131, " ") & payTotalM
payString8 = "900" & String(57, " ") & "099990" & cCount & String(154, " ") & String(2, "0") & payTotalC
payString9 = "900" & String(57, " ") & "099990" & mCount & String(154, " ") & String(2, "0") & payTotalM
Print #1, payString6
Print #2, payString7
Print #1, payString8
Print #2, payString9
' Close all files
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    Close #1
    Close #2
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


在VBA / classic vb中,所有声明都应该在它们自己的行上或者指定了正确的数据类型,否则你可能会意外地创建一个Variant数据类型,它可以伪装成任何其他数据类型,VB引擎有规则确定类型。


此外,每当在VBA中进行编码时,都要确保在任何新代码模块的顶部声明Option Explicit。它将在未来为您节省大量的痛苦。



   Option  Explicit

    'Dim i, j as Integer 'BAD i is a variant, j is an integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer 'GOOD both are Integers
    Dim x As Integer, y as Integer 'I believe this will work too

    dim displayI as String
    i = 23
    displayI = Format(i, "00000")


payString6 = "800" & String(26, " ") & "9999" & Format(cCount,"00000") & String(131, " ") & payTotalC