我有当前的代码,只有在我注释掉该功能时它才有效。救命? 它没有显示标题标签或任何东西。我认为它缺少一些语法,但还没有看到它。
<title>Convert to Roman</title>
function integerToRoman($integer)
// Convert the integer into an integer (just to make sure)
$integer = intval($integer);
$result = '';
// Create a lookup array that contains all of the Roman numerals.
$lookup = array('M' => 1000,
'CM' => 900,
'D' => 500,
'CD' => 400,
'C' => 100,
'XC' => 90,
'L' => 50,
'XL' => 40,
'X' => 10,
'IX' => 9,
'V' => 5,
'IV' => 4,
'I' => 1);
foreach($lookup as $roman => $value){
// Determine the number of matches
$matches = intval($integer/$value);
// Add the same number of characters to the string
$result .= str_repeat($roman,$matches);
// Set the integer to be the remainder of the integer and the value
$integer = $integer % $value;
// The Roman numeral should be built, return it
return $result;
echo integerToRoman(5);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
$ which php
PHP errors NOT being displayed in the browser [Ubuntu 10.10]
同时检查是否安装了PHP 尝试
using(Form f = new Form1())
f.ShowDialog(this);// while the 'this' is the parent form calling