基于this javascript tutorial我写了一个简单的动画作为测试。它在Edge / IE 11没有任何问题的情况下工作,然后我尝试在Chrome和画布上运行它,脚本将加载并显然可以工作,但屏幕上没有显示任何内容。调试器中也没有显示错误。我尝试重新安装Chrome但问题仍然存在。 任何人都能解释我发生了什么吗?提前谢谢。
// screen size variables
var SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth,
SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var c = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = SCREEN_WIDTH;
canvas.height = SCREEN_HEIGHT;
var xpos=0,
numFrames = 30,
frameSize= 200;
// Add our drawing canvas
//load the image
image = new Image();
image.src = "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1143870/sprite%20sheet/robot2.png";
image.onload = function() {
//we're ready for the loop
setInterval(loop, 1000 / 30);
function loop() {
//clear the canvas!
/*our big long list of arguments below equates to:
1: our image source
2 - 5: the rectangle in the source image of what we want to draw
6 - 9: the rectangle of our canvas that we are drawing into
the area of the source image we are drawing from will change each time loop() is called.
the rectangle of our canvas that we are drawing into however, will not.
c.drawImage(image,xpos,ypos,frameSize,frameSize,0,0,frameSize, frameSize);
//each time around we add the frame size to our xpos, moving along the source image
xpos += frameSize;
//increase the index so we know which frame of our animation we are currently on
index += 1;
//if our index is higher than our total number of frames, we're at the end and better start over
if (index >= numFrames) {
xpos =0;
ypos =0;
//if we've gotten to the limit of our source image's width, we need to move down one row of frames
} else if (xpos + frameSize > image.width){
xpos =0;
ypos += frameSize;