问题 我在一个Windows目录中读取了一组带编号的制表符分隔的.tmp文件(即NSW1.tmp,NSW2.tmp等)&将文件名加载到数组中。
然后我逐行打开/读取每个文件,在3个元素上执行某些操作。然后将原始行+3个新变量($ capitalized,$ result& $ racenumber)重写到.txt文件中每行的末尾。除了每个文件的最后一行(即最后一行中的最后3个变量写入下一行,如下所示)之外,所有行都被正确写入。
Geelong Race 1 18 34374 THE ULTIMATUM 8 cdw MICHAEL HIBBS SALLY WYNNE 58 76 87 11最后通18 18
Geelong Race 1 19 221x0 BROWN BURBERRY 7 dw JOHN MOLONEY BRENTON AVDULLA a 58 57 67 10 Brown Burberry 19
Geelong Race 1 20 07061 STREET CRIER 11 TcDW PETER JAQUES JAMIE MOTT 58 63 90
27 Street Crier 20
在上面的例子中,最后一行中的最后3个变量“27 Street Crier 20”被写入下一行。只有在为每个文件写入最后一行时才会发生这种情况。所有先前写的行都写得正确。
use Cwd;
$dir = getcwd;
$tab = "\t";
$final = "-FINAL";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die $!;
while ($file = readdir(DIR)) {
# Only read in files here (-f = file is a 'plain file').
next unless (-f "$dir/$file");
# Use a regular expression to find only files ending in .tmp that do not have a '-' in the filename.Note the use of the + ([a-zA-Z0-9]+) after the character class. Indicates inputs with a length greater than or equal to 1.
next unless ($file =~ m/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.tmp$/);
# Set variable for the state where the files are from (i.e. NSW, VIC, etc.).
$filecheck = substr($file, 0, 3);
# Push files into an array for each state.
push @array,$file;
foreach (@array) {
open INFILE, $file or die "$nofile\n";
# Remove .tmp extension from files & save filename for creation of new .txt files.
$filein = $file;
$filein =~ s/.tmp//;
$fileout = "$filein$final.txt";
# Extract the race number from each filename with /(\d+)/ read for each race (i.e. NSW1.tmp). To be added to the 2nd column of output file.
($racenumber) = $filein =~ /(\d+)/;
open (OUTFILE, ">$fileout");
# Go through the file line by line.
while (my $line = <INFILE>)
# Split the current line on tabs.
my @words = split(/\t/, $line);
# Set the horse name from uppercase to proper (i.e. capitalise 1st letter of each name).
my $capitalized = join '', map { ucfirst lc } split /(\s+)/, $words[4];
# Subtract the predicted rating from the current rating.
my $result = $words[11]-$words[10];
my $racenumber = $words[2];
print "$words[0]$tab$words[1]$tab$words[2]$tab$words[3]$tab$words[4]$tab$words[5]$tab$words[6]$tab$words[7]$tab$words[8]$tab$words[9]$tab$words[10]$tab$words[11]$tab$result$tab$capitalized$tab$racenumber\n";
print OUTFILE "$words[0]$tab$words[1]$tab$words[2]$tab$words[3]$tab$words[4]$tab$words[5]$tab$words[6]$tab$words[7]$tab$words[8]$tab$words[9]$tab$words[10]$tab$words[11]$tab$result$tab$capitalized$tab$racenumber\n";
close INFILE;
close OUTFILE;