
时间:2015-10-26 06:17:04

标签: ffmpeg

我使用FFmpeg从互联网广播流中传输原始PCM数据,然后我会进行一些处理。 在将任何输出发送到stdout之前,FFmpeg缓冲大约10秒,我一直试图让它以更频繁的间隔发送数据,所以我可以用更小的块来处理它。

我查看了各种FFmpeg命令行选项,但找不到会减少使用的内部缓冲的选项。 查看the various format options,我在输入和输出上都尝试了<script type="application/javascript"> $(function(){ $("input[type='radio']").change(function(){ var val = $(this).val(); $(this).parent().find("input[type='radio']").each(function(){ if ($(this).val() < val){ $(this).addClass("belowchecked"); } else { $(this).removeClass("belowchecked"); } }); }); }); </script> <?php //Require Database require('connect.php'); //Variables $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $website = $_POST['website']; $service = $_POST['service']; $comment = $_POST['comment']; $rating = $_POST['star']; $robotest = $_POST['robotest']; $captcha = $_POST['captcha']; date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); $date = date('Y-m-d'); // If Form Is Submitted if(isset($_POST['add'])){ // Check User Entered Name if(empty ($name)){ $error[] = "<b>Name</b>"; } // Check User Entered Email if(empty ($email)){ $error[] = "<b>Email Address</b>"; } // Checks Users Email is valid else if(!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $error[] = "<b>Email</b>"; $error2[] = "Email is invalid"; } // If Website Is Not Empty if (!empty ($website)) { // Check Website Is Valid if(!filter_var($website, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $error[] = "<b>Website</b>"; $error2[] = "<b>Website</b> must begin with <b>http://</b> and end with your domain extention"; } } // Else Website feild = null else { $website = ""; } //Check User Entered Rating if(empty($rating)) { $error[] = "<b>Rating</b>"; } // Check User Entered Feedback if(empty ($comment)){ $error[] = "<b>Feedback</b>"; } // Check User Is Human if($robotest) { $error[] = "You are a gutless robot."; } if ($captcha != $_SESSION['captcha']){ $error2[] = "Please reenter <b>Captcha</b>"; } // If No Errors Insert To Database & Redirect To Feedback if (empty ($error)) { if (empty ($error2)) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO comment (id, name, email, comment, rating, postdate, service, website) VALUES ('','$name','$email','$comment','$rating','$date','$service','$website')"); $status = "Thankyou for your feedback"; ob_end_flush; header ("location: feedback.php#main"); } } } ?> <section class="post-info" id="addfb" name="add"> <form action="#addfb" class="forms" method="POST"> <div class="stars"> <input class="star star-5" id="star-1" type="radio" name="star" value="5" <?php if (isset($rating) && $rating=="5") echo "checked";?>/> <label class="star star-5" for="star-1"></label> <input class="star star-4" id="star-2" type="radio" name="star" value="4" <?php if (isset($rating) && $rating=="4") echo "checked";?>/> <label class="star star-4" for="star-2"></label> <input class="star star-3" id="star-3" type="radio" name="star" value="3" <?php if (isset($rating) && $rating=="3") echo "checked";?>/> <label class="star star-3" for="star-3"></label> <input class="star star-2" id="star-4" type="radio" name="star" value="2" <?php if (isset($rating) && $rating=="2") echo "checked";?>/> <label class="star star-2" for="star-4"></label> <input class="star star-1" id="star-5" type="radio" name="star" value="1" <?php if (isset($rating) && $rating=="1") echo "checked";?>/> <label class="star star-1" for="star-5" ></label> </div> <br> Name <span class="Required">*Required</span><br> <input name="name" type="text" value="<?php echo $name; ?>"> </p> <p>Email <span class="Required">*Required</span><br> <input name="email" type="text" value="<?php echo $email; ?>"> </p> <p>Website <span class="Required">http://</span><br> <input name="website" type="text" id="website" value="<?php echo $website; ?>"> </p> <p>Service <span class="Required">*Required</span></p> <select name="service" class="services"> <optgroup label="Peronal Services"> <option value="Buisness Card Design" selected="selected">Business Card Design</option> <option value="Website Design">Website Design</option> <option value="Banner Design">Banner Design</option> <option value="Poster Design">Poster Design</option> <option value="Flyer Design">Flyer Design</option> <option value="Logo Design">Logo Design</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Service Packages" class="services"> <option value="Buisness Package">Business Package</option> <option value="Personal Package">Personal Package</option> <option value="Charity Package">Charity Package</option> <option value="Mixed Services">Mixed Services</option> </optgroup> </select> </p> <p>Feedback<span class="Required"> *Required</span><br> <textarea id="comment" rows="8" cols="20" name="comment"><?php echo $comment; ?></textarea> </p> <!-- The following field is for robots only, invisible to humans: --> <p class="robotic" id="pot"> <label>If you're human leave this blank:</label> <input name="robotest" type="text" id="robotest" class="robotest" /> <p> <img class="img-responsive" src="captcha.php" /> <br> <input name="captcha" placeholder="Enter Captcha" type="text" /> </p> <p> <input type="submit" name="add" value="Add Feedback"> <p> <?php // Show validation errros here if(!empty($error)){ echo "Please check the following fields<br>"; echo implode($error, ', '); } if(!empty($error2)){ echo "<br><br>"; echo implode($error2, '<br>'); } echo $status; ?> </p> </p> </form> </section>-fflags nobuffer,但无济于事。


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