$query = "SELECT ID, Category_Name, Image FROM Categories ORDER BY Position ASC";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
while ($cat = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) {
// add a page
$query1 = "SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Category = " . $cat[0] . " AND Visibility = 1 ORDER BY Product_Name ASC";
$result1 = mysqli_query($connection, $query1);
$html = $query1;
//$html .= '<style>'. file_get_contents('./images/print.css').'</style>';
$html .= '<table style="margin: 0 auto;"><tbody>';
$html .= '<tr><th colspan="6"><div id="title" style="color: white;">' . $cat[1] . '</div></th></tr>';
$html .= '<tr>';
$html .= '<th></th>';
$html .= '<th>Product</th>';
$html .= '<th>Pack Size</th>';
$html .= '<th>Price(Ex VAT)</th>';
$html .= '<th>Price(Inc)</th>';
$html .= '<th>RRP</th>';
$html .= '</tr>';
// Show product prodcuts from selected category
while ( $row123 = mysqli_fetch_row($result1)) {
$html .= '<tr><td>';
$html .= '<img width="100px" height="100px" src="/images/' . $row123[6] . '"/>';
$html .= '</td><td>';
$html .= '<b><u>' . $row123[1] . '</u></b><br /><i>' . $row123[5] . '</i>';
$html .= '</td><td>';
$html .= $row123[3];
$html .= '</td><td>';
$html .= '£' . $row123[4];
//echo '<br />';
$html .= '</td><td>';
$query2 = "SELECT VAT FROM VAT WHERE ID = " . $row123[7];
$result2 = mysqli_query($connection, $query2);
// Put results in an accessible form
$result_array2 = array();
while ($row234 = mysqli_fetch_row($result2)) {$result_array2[] = $row234;}
$html .= '£' . number_format($row123[4] + ($result_array2[0][0] * $row123[4] / 100), 2, '.', '');
$html .= '</td><td>';
if ($row123[9] == "") {
$html .= "N/A";
} else {
$html .= '£' . number_format($row123[9], 2, '.', '');
$html .= '</td>';
$html .='</tr>';
$html .= '</tbody></table>';
// output the HTML content
$pdf->writeHTML($html, true, false, true, false, '');
如果我注释掉第二个while循环,我可以得到第一个查询($ query1)来回显。每个类别每页一个。但是当我取消注释它时,它只会创建4个空白页。