
时间:2015-10-25 03:33:12

标签: c++ enums output

我在显示结构中的数据时遇到了一些麻烦。用户输入所有信息后,我的程序应该以同一行的形式显示以... FirstName LastName TotalPay形式输入的内容。我正在用小时工和他们的工资来测试它,说有3名员工,显示的是最后一次员工信息3次。我该如何解决这个问题或者我做错了什么?


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <sstream>
#include <set>
#include <iomanip> 

using namespace std;

//Create enumeration that contains bonus information 
enum BonusAvailability{NO_BONUS, AVG_BONUS, HIGH_BONUS};

//Create a struct that contains the employees personal information
struct PersonalInfo
    string fName,

//Create a struct for hourly workers, calls personal info struct 
struct HourlyW
    PersonalInfo pData ; 
    double hoursWorked; 
    double hourlyRate;

//Create a struct for salary workers, calls personal info struct
struct SalaryW
    PersonalInfo pData;
    double salary;
    double bonus;
    BonusAvailability bData;


int main()

    int numInfo; // Holds number of employess to be entered 
    int numHour; // Holds number of hourly workers 
    int numSalary; // Holds number of salary workers
    char selection; // If user wants to continue 
    char selection2; // If user wants to continue 
    double tHour; // Total hourly 
    double tSalary; // Total salary
    HourlyW employee; // Create employee under Hourly W
    SalaryW emp; // Create emp under Salary W
    BonusAvailability b; // Create b under Bonus Availability 

                  // Get number of employees to be entered 
                  cout << "Enter the number of employees you will be entering information for: ";
                  cin >> numInfo;

                  // If number is negative, show error message  
                  while (numInfo < 0)
                       cout << "Invalid number or negative number! Try again!" << endl;
                  // Get number of hourly workers     
                  cout << "How many are hourly workers?" << endl;
                  cin >>numHour;

                  // If number is negative, show error message
                  while (numHour < 0)
                       cout << "Invalid number or negative number! Try again!" << endl;

                  // Get number of salary workers 
                  cout << "How many are salary workers?" << endl;
                  cin >> numSalary;

                  // If number is negative, show error message 
                  while (numSalary < 0)
                       cout << "Invalid number or negative number! Try again! " << endl;

                   // If sum of hourly and salary is less than or greater than the total number of employees entered show error message 
                   while ((numHour + numSalary) > numInfo || (numHour + numSalary < numInfo))
                       cout << "Hourly workers plus Salary workers does not equal " << numInfo << endl;
                       cout << "Try again " << endl;
                       cout << "" << endl;
                       cout << "How many hourly workers?" << endl;
                       cin >>numHour;
                       while (numHour < 0)
                            cout << "Invalid number or negative number!" << endl;
                        cout << "How many are salary workers?" << endl;
                        cin >> numSalary;
                        while (numSalary < 0)
                                cout << "Invalid number or negative number!" << endl;
                        if (numHour + numSalary == numInfo)

                  // If hourly workers is greater than 0, run this to get the information
                  if (numHour > 0)
                    cout << "Hourly Workers!" << endl;
                    cout << "---------------" << endl;

                    for (int i = 0; i < numHour; i++)

                      cout << "Enter first name: ";
                      cin >> employee.pData.fName;
                      cout << "" << endl;
                      cout << "Enter last name: ";
                      cin >> employee.pData.lName;
                      cout << "" << endl;
                      cout << "Enter their title: ";
                      cin >> employee.pData.title;
                      cout << "" << endl;
                      cout << "Enter the hours worked: ";
                      cin >> employee.hoursWorked; 

                      // If hours worked is less than 0 or greater than 80, show error message 
                      while (employee.hoursWorked < 0 || employee.hoursWorked > 80)
                          cout << "Incorrect input!" << endl;
                          cout << "" << endl;
                          cout << "Enter the hours worked: ";
                          cin >> employee.hoursWorked;
                          if (employee.hoursWorked > 0 || employee.hoursWorked < 80)
                      cout << "" << endl;
                      cout << "Enter the hourly rate: ";
                      cin >> employee.hourlyRate;
                      cout << "" << endl;
                      tHour = employee.hoursWorked * employee.hourlyRate; // Get total hourly pay 

                      //Ask if they want to continue 
                      cout << "Would you like to continue? Y or N" << endl;
                      cin >> selection;
                      if (selection == 'y' || selection == 'Y')
                     // cout << "Total " << tHour << endl;  //TEST 


                 // If number of salary workers is greater than 0, run this to get the information  
                 if (numSalary > 0)
                    cout << "Salary Workers!" << endl;
                    cout << "---------------" << endl;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numSalary; i++)

                        cout << "Enter first name: ";
                        cin >> emp.pData.fName;
                        cout << "" << endl;
                        cout << "Enter last name: ";
                        cin >> emp.pData.lName;
                        cout << "" << endl;
                        cout << "Enter their title: ";
                        cin >> emp.pData.title;
                        cout << "" << endl;
                        cout << "Enter salary: ";
                        cin >> emp.salary;

                        // If salary is less that 0, show error message 
                        while (emp.salary < 0)
                          cout << "Incorrect input!" << endl;
                          cout << "" << endl;
                          cout << "Enter the salary: ";
                          cin >> emp.salary;
                          if (emp.salary > 0)

                        cout <<"" << endl;
                        cout << "Enter bonus: ";
                        cin >> emp.bonus;

                        // If bonus is less than 0, show error message 
                        while (emp.bonus < 0)
                          cout << "Incorrect input!" << endl;
                          cout << "" << endl;
                          cout << "Enter bonus: ";
                          cin >> emp.bonus;
                          if (emp.bonus > 0)

                        tSalary = emp.salary + emp.bonus; // Hold total pay for salary workers 
                        cout << "Salary is " << tSalary << endl; //TEST 

                        cout << "" << endl;

                        //See if user wants to continue 
                        cout << "Would you like to continue? Y or N" << endl;
                        cin >> selection2;
                        if (selection2 == 'y' || selection2 == 'Y')

                      // See what category the salary workers fall under 
                      if (emp.bonus == 0)
                          b = static_cast<BonusAvailability> (0);

                      else if  (emp.bonus > 0 && emp.bonus <= 5000)
                          b = static_cast<BonusAvailability> (1);
                      else if (emp.bonus > 5000)
                          b = static_cast<BonusAvailability>(2);
                        cout << "" << endl;
                        cout << "Bonus is " << b << endl; //TEST 


                // Begin displaying information 
                for (int i = 0; i < numInfo; i++)
                    cout << "List of employees" << endl;
                    cout << "------------------" << endl;
                    cout << employee.pData.fName << " " <<  employee.pData.lName << " "    << tHour << endl;

return 0;                


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

else (emp.bonus > 5000);



答案 1 :(得分:0)


if (emp.bonus == 0)
    b = NO_BONUS;

else if (emp.bonus > 0 && emp.bonus <= 5000)
    b = AVG_BONUS;
else if (emp.bonus > 5000)
    b = HIGH_BONUS;
cout << "\nBonus is " << b << endl;