import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Project2_ScottHoganChanged
public static void main(String[] args)
JFrame main_frame = new JFrame("Welcome to Murratime Limited Cruise Lines"); //Sets a title for the JFrame
main_frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Closes the JFrame when exiting
Cabin_ChoiceChanged choice = new Cabin_ChoiceChanged("", ""); //Calls upon the constructor of my Cabin_Choice class
main_frame.getContentPane().add(choice); //Places choice into the current JFrame pane
main_frame.pack(); //Sizes the frame
main_frame.setVisible(true); //Allows us to see the frame
} //Ends the main method
} //Ends the class
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Cabin_ChoiceChanged extends JPanel
final private JLabel description;
final private JRadioButton cabin1;
String answer1, passFname1, passFname2, passLname1, passLname2;
int passnum;
boolean run=true;
boolean passengerx1;
boolean passengerx2;
Scanner scan_in = new Scanner(System.in);
public Cabin_ChoiceChanged(String passfname, String passlname) //This is the constructor for the Cabin_Choice class
description = new JLabel("Choose your Cabin or Suite"); //Creates the label
description.setFont(new Font("Helonia", Font.BOLD, 28)); //Changes text font and formats for the description
//Creates Radio Buttons for the frame.
cabin1 = new JRadioButton("Cabin 11-1");
//Changes foreground AKA the text.
//Changes the background of the radio button
cabin1.setBackground(new Color(31, 21, 202)); //Creates my own custom background color
//Adds the buttons to a group so only one can be selected at a time
ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
//Creates a new listener so we can recognize that the user clicks on certain radio buttons
Cabin_Listener cabinlisten = new Cabin_Listener();
//Sets the background for the entire frame
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1000, 1000)); //Sets the default size of the frame
//The following class implements the ActionListener and will
//will change the color of the radio buttons depending on what
//the user clicks on. It also makes use of if else statements.
private class Cabin_Listener implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
Object source = event.getSource();
if (source == cabin1) //If the user clicks the Cabin 1 radio button, this statement will run
{//Beginning of the above if statement
cabin1.setBackground(new Color(24, 204, 224)); //Sets the background for the selected cabin
System.out.println("You have selected Cabin 11-1. Would you like to book this cabin? Y/N");
//This creates a nested if statement if they choose yes
if(answer1.equals("yes") || answer1.equals("y"))
{//Begins the command of the nested if statement
System.out.println("Please provide us with the following information so we can finish your reservation for Cabin 1:");
System.out.println("How many passengers will be in this cabin? *Note: The maximum number of passengers in a cabin is 2*");
scan_in.nextLine(); //I had to put this here because the scan_in.nextInt() messes with the next scan_in.nextLine(), so this line truly ends the scan_in.nextInt()
{//Opens the while(run==true) loop
switch (passnum)
{//Switch (passnum) opening bracket
case 1:
System.out.println("You have 1 passenger in this cabin. You will be charged an extra 45% onto your bill because the cabin isn't fulfilled.");
run=false; //Won't repeat the loop
passengerx1=true; //For use later to determine information about the passenger
case 2:
System.out.println("You have 2 passengers in this cabin");
run=false; //Won't repeat the loop
passengerx2=true; //For use later to determine information about the passengers
System.out.println("You entered a number of passengers that isn't allowed.");
System.out.println("How many passengers will be in this cabin?");
passnum=scan_in.nextInt(); //Will ask for user input on passenger number again to prevent an infinite loop
run=true; //This will cause the loop to repeat
}//Switch (passnum) closing bracket
}//Closes the while(run==true) loop
if(passengerx1=true) //The statement inside here will recieve the passenger's first and last name as well as information about their city, state, dining time, and excursions
{//Opens the if(passengerx1=true) statement
System.out.println("Please enter the passenger's first name: ");
System.out.println("Please enter the passenger's last name: ");
System.out.println("Thank you "+passFname1+" "+passLname1+".");
}//Closes the if(passengerx1=true) statement
}//Closes the first nested if statement
}//Ends the main if statement
我想最简单的方法是在我的主程序中创建一个 if 或 while 语句,只有当从类中扫描完成后才能运行内部的语句?但是我的主程序如何知道扫描何时完成?
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