
时间:2015-10-23 19:01:32

标签: python python-3.x

因此,此代码旨在返回最终错误和用户输入的数字的最终对数。现在我的问题是它没有运行循环,它只是继续经过相同的数字,它永远不会结束。我不确定我的错误区域是否有我的打印语句,或者我是否在循环错误但我希望循环在错误小于1x10 ^ -9时结束。我的迭代也可能设置错误,不能确定我在这里搞砸了什么。

import math
import sys
#Computing natural log of x

#x value is input here
x = float(input("Please input a positive number: "))

#If x is not positive then program will not work, so it will exit
if x<=0:
    print("Your number is not positive. System Shutdown.")

#Retrieving ln(x) using the math command
lnx0 = math.log(x)

#Formula for approximate ln
xfrac = (x - 1)/(x + 1)
lnx = 0  #Initializing the approximating


#This is the code to make it go until it hits the error we want
while True:

    ex = 2*i - 1
    lnx += 2.0* (xfrac**ex / ex)

    #Counter adding 1 to it

    #This is the error    
    err = math.fabs(lnx0 - lnx)
    if err<0.0000000001:

    #Priting approximate ln at end of loop
    print ("ln(x) at " ,x,"is: " ,lnx)

    #Final Error
    print ("Final error is:" ,err)

    #Number of itterations

    #Printing accurate version of ln(x) just to see what it should be
    print ("Your accurate value of ln(x) is: " ,lnx0)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



import math
import sys
#Computing natural log of x

#x value is input here
x = float(input("Please input a positive number: "))

#If x is not positive then program will not work, so it will exit
if x<=0:
    print("Your number is not positive. System Shutdown.")

#Retrieving ln(x) using the math command
lnx0 = math.log(x)

#Formula for approximate ln
xfrac = (x - 1)/(x + 1)
lnx = 0  #Initializing the approximating


#This is the code to make it go until it hits the error we want
while True:

    ex = 2*i - 1
    lnx += 2.0* (xfrac**ex / ex)

    #Counter adding 1 to it

    #This is the error    
    err = math.fabs(lnx0 - lnx)
    if err<0.0000000001:

#Priting approximate ln at end of loop
print ("ln(x) at " ,x,"is: " ,lnx)

#Final Error
print ("Final error is:" ,err)

#Number of itterations

#Printing accurate version of ln(x) just to see what it should be
print ("Your accurate value of ln(x) is: " ,lnx0)


Please input a positive number: 5
ln(x) at  5.0 is:  1.6094379123624052
Final error is: 7.169509430582366e-11
Your accurate value of ln(x) is:  1.6094379124341003


答案 1 :(得分:1)

这有几个问题。首先是你的计算不正确。我试着进入&#39; e&#39;到9个地方。你的估计,lnx,迅速退化到-3.3279+并坚持到那里。这会使你陷入无限循环,因为估计永远不会接近真实值。

其他人已经指出你没有用print语句跟踪你的计算。我将在数值分析中添加另一个提示:使用受限制的&#34;用于&#34;循环直到你调试了计算。 然后将其换成&#34;而错误&gt;公差&#34;循环。



最后,您可能会发现此循环形式更容易阅读。摆脱你的if ... break语句并改为使用它:

i = 1
err = 1
tolerance = 1e-10

# This is the code to make it go until it hits the error we want
while err >= tolerance: