def parseCSV(filename, dataType='float', returnJagged=False, fillerValue=0, delimiter=',', commentChar='%'):
# define the matrix
matrix = []
# open the file
with open(filename, 'U') as csvfile :
# read all the lines
csvFile = csvfile.readlines()
maxSize = 0
# iterate through each line
for line in csvFile :
# check for comments, go to next line if this is a comment
# make sure it's not a blank line
if line.rstrip():
# Check for the data type (float or int)
if dataType == 'float':
row = map(float, filter(None, line.rstrip().split(delimiter)))
elif dataType == 'int':
row = map(int, filter(None, line.rstrip().split(delimiter)))
if len(row) > maxSize :
maxSize = len(row)
# unless returnJagged is true, fill the blank values
if not returnJagged :
for row in matrix :
row += [fillerValue] * (maxSize - len(row))
if len(matrix) == 1 :
# This is a vector, just return a 1-D vector
matrix = matrix[0]
return matrix
def printMatrix(matrix):
for row in matrix:
for cell in row:
print cell,
import sys
import copy
# need to update this to point to the location of parseCSV.py
from parseCSV import parseCSV
# initialize the problem - fname is the csv file with the cost matrix
def initialize(fname, show):
# read the costs matrix from the csv file
costs = parseCSV(fname)
# people[i] is the index of the task assigned to person i
# or -1 if the person does not have an assigned task
people = []
# tasks[j] is the index of the person assigned to task j
# or -1 if the task is unassigned
tasks = []
# create the people and tasks lists
for k in range(len(costs)):
if show:
print '{} people, {} tasks, {}x{} costs, lb = {:.2f}'.format(
return costs, people, tasks
# show_solution - displays the current solution
def show_solution(costs, people, tasks):
for k in range(len(people)):
if people[k] > -1:
task = 'T{}'.format(people[k])
cost = costs[k][people[k]]
task = 'n/a'
cost = 0.0
print '\tP{}, {}, {:.2f} '.format(k, task, cost)
print '\nTotal cost: {:.2f} (lower bound: {:.2f})'.format(
calc_cost(costs, people)[0],
# calc_cost - calculates the current solution cost
def calc_cost(costs, people):
total_cost = 0
num_assigned = 0
# for each person
for k in range(len(people)):
# make sure the person has an assigned task
if people[k] != -1:
total_cost += costs[k][people[k]]
num_assigned += 1
return total_cost, num_assigned
# low_cost_task - finds the lowest cost available task for the
# specified person
def low_cost_task(costs, person, tasks):
# initialize with the biggest possible number
min_cost = 1e308
# index of the low-cost task
min_idx = -1
# loop through all tasks
for k in range(len(tasks)):
# if the task is currently unassigned
if tasks[k] == -1:
# is the task lower cost than the current minimum?
if costs[person][k] < min_cost:
min_cost = costs[person][k]
min_idx = k
return min_idx, min_cost
# simple_lb - calculates a simple lower bound based on low-cost assignment
def simple_lb(costs):
# min cost task for each person
total_cost1 = 0;
for k in range(len(costs)) :
total_cost1 += min(costs[k])
# min cost person for each task
total_cost2 = 0;
for k in range(len(costs)):
total_cost2 += min([c[k] for c in costs])
# return the better of the two bounds
return max(total_cost1, total_cost2)
# clear_solution - clears the incumbent solution
def clear_solution(people, tasks):
for k in range(len(people)):
people[k] = -1
for k in range(len(tasks)):
tasks[k] = -1
# store_solution
def store_solution(people, tasks, cost, seq):
# create the dictonary
solution = {}
# need to use copy since the lists are mutable
solution['people'] = copy.copy(people)
solution['tasks'] = copy.copy(tasks)
solution['obj_val'] = cost
solution['seq'] = copy.copy(seq)
return solution
# main
def main():
# default values
fname = 'r.csv'
# argv[0] - file name
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
fname = sys.argv[1]
# initialize
costs, people, tasks = initialize(fname, 1)
# Simple assignment - person k gets task k for all k
for k in range(len(people)):
people[k] = k;
tasks[k] = k;
print '\nSolution:'
show_solution(costs, people, tasks)
# if cmd line, execute main
if __name__ == '__main__' : main()
import sys
# need to update this to point to the location of parseCSV.py
from parseCSV import parseCSV
# initialize the problem - fname is the csv file with the cost matrix
def initialize(fname):
# read the costs
costs = parseCSV(fname)
# people[i] is the index of the task assigned to person i
# or -1 if the person does not have an assigned task
people = []
# tasks[j] is the index of the person assigned to task j
# or -1 if the task is unassigned
tasks = []
# create the people and tasks lists
for k in range(len(costs)):
return costs, people, tasks
# show_solution - displays the current solution
def show_solution(costs, people, tasks):
for k in range(len(people)):
if people[k] > -1:
task = 'T{}'.format(people[k])
cost = costs[k][people[k]]
task = 'n/a'
cost = 0.0
print '\tP{}, {}, {:.2f} '.format(k, task, cost)
print '\nTotal cost: {:.2f} (lower bound: {:.2f})'.format(
calc_cost(costs, people)[0],
# calc_cost - calculates the current solution cost
def calc_cost(costs, people):
total_cost = 0
num_assigned = 0
# for each person
for k in range(len(people)):
# make sure the person has an assigned task
if people[k] != -1:
total_cost += costs[k][people[k]]
num_assigned += 1
return total_cost, num_assigned
# low_cost_task - finds the lowest cost available task for the
# specified person
def low_cost_task(costs, person, tasks):
# initialize with the biggest possible number
min_cost = 1e308
# index of the low-cost task
min_idx = -1
# loop through all tasks
for k in range(len(tasks)):
# if the task is currently unassigned
if tasks[k] == -1:
# is the task lower cost than the current minimum?
if costs[person][k] < min_cost:
min_cost = costs[person][k]
min_idx = k
return min_idx, min_cost
# simple_lb - calculates a simple lower bound based on low-cost assignment
def simple_lb(costs):
# min cost task for each person
total_cost1 = 0;
for k in range(len(costs)) :
total_cost1 += min(costs[k])
# min cost person for each task
total_cost2 = 0;
for k in range(len(costs)):
total_cost2 += min([c[k] for c in costs])
# return the better of the two bounds
return max(total_cost1, total_cost2)
# main
def main():
# initialize parameters then check for command line changes
show_intermediate = 1
fname = 'r.csv'
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
fname = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
show_intermediate = int(sys.argv[2])
# initialize the data structures using the cost matrix file
costs, people, tasks = initialize(fname)
print '{} people, {} tasks, {}x{} costs, lb = {:.2f}'.format(
# for each person, assign their low-cost task
for k in range(len(people)):
# find the low cost task for this person
task, min_cost = low_cost_task(costs, k, tasks)
# assign task to person and person to task
people[k] = task
tasks[task] = k
# show current assignment
if show_intermediate:
if people[k] != -1:
print 'Assigned P{} task T{} at cost {:.2f}'.format(
# show solution
print '\nFinal solution:'
show_solution(costs, people, tasks)
# if cmd line, execute main
if __name__ == '__main__' : main()
import sys
from random import sample
import lap
# solve - solves the problem for a given assignment sequence
def solve(costs, people, tasks, seq):
total_cost = 0
for k in seq:
# find the low cost task for this person
task, min_cost = lap.low_cost_task(costs, k, tasks)
# assign task to person and person to task
people[k] = task
tasks[task] = k
total_cost += min_cost
return total_cost
# main
def main():
# default values
nreps = 100
fname = 'r.csv'
# argv[0] - file name
# argv[1] - number of replications
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
fname = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
nreps = int(sys.argv[2])
print 'Invalid parameters. Syntax: lab_h2.py fname nreps'
# initialize
costs, people, tasks = lap.initialize(fname, 1)
# initial solution with the "natural" sequence
cost = solve(costs, people, tasks, range(len(people)))
# store the solution -- need to use deepcopy so the best
# incumbent solution is not overwritten
solution = lap.store_solution(people, tasks, cost, range(len(people)))
print 'Iteration {:3d} Cost: {:.2f}'.format(-1, solution['obj_val'])
# iterate
for k in range(nreps):
# clear the current assignments
lap.clear_solution(people, tasks)
# sample a random sequence
seq = sample(range(len(people)), len(people))
# solve with the random sequence
cost = solve(costs, people, tasks, seq)
print 'Iteration {:3d} Cost: {:.2f}'.format(k, cost)
# if this solution is better than the best incumbent,
# make it the best incumbent.
if cost < solution['obj_val'] :
solution = lap.store_solution(people, tasks, cost, seq)
# show solution
print '\nFinal solution:'
print 'Sequence: {}'.format(solution['seq'])
lap.show_solution(costs, solution['people'], solution['tasks'])
# if cmd line, execute main
if __name__ == '__main__' : main()
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