将额外数据传递给finder auth

时间:2015-10-22 02:28:08

标签: authentication orm cakephp-3.0



$this->loadComponent('Auth', [
        'authenticate' => [
            'Form' => [
                'finder' => 'auth',


public function findAuth(Query $query, array $options)
        ->where(['Users.is_active' => true]); // If i had access to extra data passed I would use here.

    return $query;

我需要将AppController的额外数据传递给finder auth,因为我无法访问$this->request->data上的UsersTable



我有一个表users,但每个用户都属于gymusername(email)仅对特定gym是唯一的,因此我可以example@domain.com获得gym_id 1example@domain.com获得gym_id 2。 在登录页面上,我有gym_slug告诉我auth finder gym我提供的用户username

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

To my knowledge, there is no way to do this by passing it into the configuration in 3.1. This might be a good idea submit on the cakephp git hub as a feature request.

There are ways to do it by creating a new authentication object that extends base authenticate and then override _findUser and _query. Something like this:

class GymFormAuthenticate extends BaseAuthenticate

  * Checks the fields to ensure they are supplied.
  * @param \Cake\Network\Request $request The request that contains login information.
  * @param array $fields The fields to be checked.
  * @return bool False if the fields have not been supplied. True if they exist.
 protected function _checkFields(Request $request, array $fields)
     foreach ([$fields['username'], $fields['password'], $fields['gym']] as $field) {
         $value = $request->data($field);
         if (empty($value) || !is_string($value)) {
             return false;
     return true;

  * Authenticates the identity contained in a request. Will use the `config.userModel`, and `config.fields`
  * to find POST data that is used to find a matching record in the `config.userModel`. Will return false if
  * there is no post data, either username or password is missing, or if the scope conditions have not been met.
  * @param \Cake\Network\Request $request The request that contains login information.
  * @param \Cake\Network\Response $response Unused response object.
  * @return mixed False on login failure.  An array of User data on success.
 public function authenticate(Request $request, Response $response)
     $fields = $this->_config['fields'];
     if (!$this->_checkFields($request, $fields)) {
         return false;
     return $this->_findUser(

  * Find a user record using the username,password,gym provided.
  * Input passwords will be hashed even when a user doesn't exist. This
  * helps mitigate timing attacks that are attempting to find valid usernames.
  * @param string $username The username/identifier.
  * @param string|null $password The password, if not provided password checking is skipped
  *   and result of find is returned.
  * @return bool|array Either false on failure, or an array of user data.
 protected function _findUser($username, $password = null, $gym = null)
     $result = $this->_query($username, $gym)->first();

     if (empty($result)) {
         return false;

     if ($password !== null) {
         $hasher = $this->passwordHasher();
         $hashedPassword = $result->get($this->_config['fields']['password']);
         if (!$hasher->check($password, $hashedPassword)) {
             return false;

         $this->_needsPasswordRehash = $hasher->needsRehash($hashedPassword);

     return $result->toArray();

  * Get query object for fetching user from database.
  * @param string $username The username/identifier.
  * @return \Cake\ORM\Query
 protected function _query($username, $gym)
     $config = $this->_config;
     $table = TableRegistryget($config['userModel']);

     $options = [
         'conditions' => [$table->aliasField($config['fields']['username']) => $username, 'gym' => $gym]

     if (!empty($config['scope'])) {
         $options['conditions'] = array_merge($options['conditions'], $config['scope']);
     if (!empty($config['contain'])) {
         $options['contain'] = $config['contain'];

     $query = $table->find($config['finder'], $options);

     return $query;

For more information see this: Creating Custom Authentication Objects

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我知道这是一个老问题,但我想我会在我们在Cakephp 3上构建的一个SaaS应用程序中发布我使用的查找程序。它是否遵循DRY等可能不会。说一切都可以用X或Y方式完成.....你总是要弯曲规则。在这种情况下,取决于URL(xdomain.com或ydomain.com),我们的应用程序会确定客户是谁并更改布局等。此外,基于用户的电子邮件与电子邮件和电子邮件相关联。 site_id很像你的

public function findAuth(\Cake\ORM\Query $query, array $options) {
                'Users.active' => 1,
                'Users.site_id'=> \Cake\Core\Configure::read('site_id')

    return $query;
