%% This block was intended to deal with another data
set this function has to analyze, but it actually ended up removing my
yellow circles as well, making a further threshold step unnecessary so far
% Converts to a binary image containing almost exclusively lines and crosshairs
mask = im2bw(rgb_img, 0.8);
% Invert mask
mask = ~mask;
% Remove detected lines and crosshairs by setting to 0
rgb_img(repmat(~mask, [1, 1, 3])) = 0;
%% Removes blue targetting lines if present
% Define thresholds for RGB channel 3 based on histogram settings to remove
% blue lines
channel3Min = 0.000;
channel3Max = 0.478;
% Create mask based on chosen histogram thresholds
noBlue = (rgb_img(:,:,3) >= channel3Min ) & (rgb_img(:,:,3) <= channel3Max);
% Set background pixels where noBlue is false to zero.
rgb_img(repmat(~noBlue,[1 1 3])) = 0;
%% Removes any other targetting lines if present
imageGreyed = rgb2gray(rgb_img);
% Performs canny edge detection
BW = edge(imageGreyed, 'canny');
% Computes the hough transform
[H,theta,rho] = hough(BW);
% Finds the peaks in the hough matrix
P = houghpeaks(H,5,'threshold',ceil(0.3*max(H(:))));
% Finds any large lines present in the image
lines = houghlines(BW,theta,rho,P,'FillGap',5,'MinLength',100);
colEnd = [];
rowEnd = [];
for i = 1:length(lines)
% Extracts line start and end points from houghlines output
pointHold = lines(i).point1;
colEnd = [colEnd pointHold(1)];
rowEnd = [rowEnd pointHold(2)];
pointHold = lines(i).point2;
colEnd = [colEnd pointHold(1)];
rowEnd = [rowEnd pointHold(2)];
% Creates a line segment from the line endpoints using a simple linear regression
fit = polyfit(colEnd, rowEnd, 1);
% Creates index of "x" (column) values to be fed into regression
colIndex = (colEnd(1):colEnd(2));
rowIndex = [];
% Obtains "y" (row) pixel values from regression
for i = colIndex
rowHold = fit(1) * i + fit(2);
rowIndex = [rowIndex rowHold];
% Round regression output
rowIndex = round(rowIndex);
% Assemble coordinate matrix
lineCoordinates = [colIndex; rowIndex]';
rgbDim = size(rgb_img);
% Create mask based on input image size
yellowMask = ones(rgbDim(1), rgbDim(2));
for i = 1:length(rowIndex)
yellowMask(rowIndex(i), colIndex(i)) = 0;
% Remove the lines found by hough transform
rgb_img(repmat(~yellowMask,[1 1 3])) = 0;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
he = imread('HlQVN.jpg');
cform = makecform('srgb2lab');
lab_he = applycform(he,cform);
ab = double(lab_he(:,:,2:3));
nrows = size(ab,1);
ncols = size(ab,2);
ab = reshape(ab,nrows*ncols,2);
nColors = 3;
% repeat the clustering 3 times to avoid local minima
[cluster_idx, cluster_center] = kmeans(ab,nColors,'distance','sqEuclidean', ...
pixel_labels = reshape(cluster_idx,nrows,ncols);
segmented_images = cell(1,3);
rgb_label = repmat(pixel_labels,[1 1 3]);
for k = 1:nColors
color = he;
color(rgb_label ~= k) = 0;
segmented_images{k} = color;
imshow(segmented_images{1}), title('objects in cluster 1');
答案 1 :(得分:0)
1)替换 -
for i = colIndex
rowHold = fit(1) * i + fit(2)
rowIndex = [rowIndex rowHold];
with -
rowIndex = fit(1)*colIndex + fit(2)
2)替换 -
yellowMask = ones(rgbDim(1), rgbDim(2));
for i = 1:length(rowIndex)
yellowMask(rowIndex(i), colIndex(i)) = 0;
rgb_img(repmat(~yellowMask,[1 1 3])) = 0;
with -
idx1 = (colIndex-1)*rgbDim(1) + rowIndex
rgb_img(bsxfun(@plus,idx1(:),[0:rgbDim(3)-1]*rgbDim(1)*rgbDim(2))) = 0;
答案 2 :(得分:0)
事实证明,答案包括将图像转换为L a b颜色空间并执行treshholding。这样可以将图像的其余部分损失最小化。代码如下:
% Convert RGB image to L*a*b color space for thresholding
rgb_img = im2double(rgb_img);
cform = makecform('srgb2lab', 'AdaptedWhitePoint', whitepoint('D65'));
I = applycform(rgb_img,cform);
% Define thresholds for channel 2 based on histogram settings
channel2Min = -1.970;
channel2Max = 48.061;
% Create mask based on chosen histogram threshold
BW = (I(:,:,2) <= channel2Min ) | (I(:,:,2) >= channel2Max);
% Determines the eccentricity for regions of pixels; basically how line-like
% (vals close to 1) or circular (vals close to 0) the region is
rp = regionprops(BW, 'PixelIdxList', 'Eccentricity');
% Selects for regions which are not line segments (areas which
% may have been incorrectly thresholded out with the crosshairs)
rp = rp([rp.Eccentricity] < 0.99);
% Removes the non-line segment regions from the mask
BW(vertcat(rp.PixelIdxList)) = false;
% Set background pixels where BW is false to zero.
rgb_img(repmat(BW,[1 1 3])) = 0;