import org.apache.spark.api.java.*;
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.*;
public class Grep {
public static void main( String args[] ) {
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setMaster( "spark://ourip:7077" );
JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext( conf );
JavaRDD<String> data = jsc.textFile( "hdfs://ourip/test/testdata.txt" ); // load the data from HDFS
JavaRDD<String> filterData = data.filter( new Function<String, Boolean>() {
// I'd like to do something here to get the offset in the original file of the string "babe ruth"
public Boolean call( String s ) { return s.toLowerCase().contains( "babe ruth" ); } // case insens matching
long matches = filterData.count(); // count the hits
// execute the RDD filter
System.out.println( "Lines with search terms: " + matches );
} // end main
} // end class Grep
我想在“过滤器”操作中做一些事情来计算原始文件中“babe ruth”的偏移量。我可以在当前行中获得“babe ruth”的偏移量,但是什么过程或函数告诉我文件中行的偏移量?
答案 0 :(得分:2)
在Spark中,可以使用常见的 Hadoop输入格式。要从文件中读取字节偏移量,可以使用Hadoop中的类TextInputFormat( org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input )。它已与Spark捆绑在一起。
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("");
JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
// read the content of the file using Hadoop format
JavaPairRDD<LongWritable, Text> data = jsc.newAPIHadoopFile(
"file_path", // input path
TextInputFormat.class, // used input format class
LongWritable.class, // class of the value
Text.class, // class of the value
new Configuration());
JavaRDD<String> mapped = data.map(new Function<Tuple2<LongWritable, Text>, String>() {
public String call(Tuple2<LongWritable, Text> tuple) throws Exception {
// you will get each line from as a tuple (offset, text)
long pos = tuple._1().get(); // extract offset
String line = tuple._2().toString(); // extract text
return pos + " " + line;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
您可以使用wholeTextFiles(String path, int minPartitions)
即可在每个值上调用indexOf(String searchString)
val searchString = *search string*
val rdd1 = sc.textFile(*input file*, *num partitions*)
// Zip RDD lines with their indices
val zrdd1 = rdd1.zipWithIndex()
// Find the first RDD line that contains the string in question
val firstFind = zrdd1.filter { case (line, index) => line.contains(searchString) }.first()
// Grab all lines before the line containing the search string and sum up all of their lengths (and then add the inline offset)
val filterLines = zrdd1.filter { case (line, index) => index < firstFind._2 }
val offset = filterLines.map { case (line, index) => line.length }.reduce(_ + _) + firstFind._1.indexOf(searchString)
我遗憾的是,我并不完全熟悉Java API,并且测试起来并不容易,所以我不确定下面的代码是否有效但是还有它(另外,我使用的是Java) 1.7但是1.8用lambda表达式压缩了很多代码。):
String searchString = *search string*;
JavaRDD<String> data = jsc.textFile("hdfs://ourip/test/testdata.txt");
JavaRDD<Tuple2<String, Long>> zrdd1 = data.zipWithIndex();
Tuple2<String, Long> firstFind = zrdd1.filter(new Function<Tuple2<String, Long>, Boolean>() {
public Boolean call(Tuple2<String, Long> input) { return input.productElement(0).contains(searchString); }
JavaRDD<Tuple2<String, Long>> filterLines = zrdd1.filter(new Function<Tuple2<String, Long>, Boolean>() {
public Boolean call(Tuple2<String, Long> input) { return input.productElement(1) < firstFind.productElement(1); }
Long offset = filterLines.map(new Function<Tuple2<String, Long>, Int>() {
public Int call(Tuple2<String, Long> input) { return input.productElement(0).length(); }
}).reduce(new Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
public Integer call(Integer a, Integer b) { return a + b; }
}) + firstFind.productElement(0).indexOf(searchString);