import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:redis/redis.dart';
main() {
RedisConnection conn1 = new RedisConnection();
RedisConnection conn2 = new RedisConnection();
Command command; //on conn1
PubSubCommand pubsub; //on conn2
int test1cnt = 3; //expecting 3 messages
int test2cnt = 1; //expecting 1 messages
var testmessages = [["PUBLISH", "aaa", "aa"],
["PUBLISH", "bbb", "bb"],
["PUBLISH", "ccc", "cc"]];
return conn1.connect('', 6379).then((Command cmd) {
command = cmd;
return conn2.connect('', 6379);
}).then((Command cmd) {
pubsub = new PubSubCommand(cmd);
pubsub.psubscribe(["a*", "b*", "c*"]);
pubsub.getStream().listen((msg) {
for (var m in testmessages) {
if (msg[2] == m[1]) {
throw ("did not get msg");
pubsub.getStream("a*").listen((msg) {
for (var m in testmessages) {
if (msg[2] == m[1]) {
throw ("did not get msg");
}).then((_) {
for (var msg in testmessages) {
Completer comp = new Completer();
Timer timeout = new Timer(new Duration(seconds: 1), () {
if ((test1cnt == 0) && (test2cnt == 0)) {
} else {
comp.completeError("didnt got exepeted number of messages");
return comp.future;
// helper function to check
// if Stream data is same as provided test Iterable
Future _test_rec_msg(Stream s, List l) {
var it = l.iterator;
return s
.every((v) => it.moveNext() && (it.current.toString() == v.toString()));
Future test_pubsub2() {
Command command; //on conn1 tosend commands
Stream pubsubstream; //on conn2 to rec c
RedisConnection conn = new RedisConnection();
return conn.connect('', 6379).then((Command cmd) {
command = cmd;
RedisConnection conn = new RedisConnection();
return conn.connect('', 6379);
}).then((Command cmd) {
PubSubCommand pubsub = new PubSubCommand(cmd);
pubsubstream = pubsub.getStream();
return pubsubstream; //TODO fix logic correct, no just working
}).then((_) {
//bussy wait for prevous to be subscibed
return Future.doWhile(() {
return command.send_object(["PUBSUB", "NUMSUB", "monkey"])
.then((v) => v[1] == 0);
}).then((_) {
//at thuis point one is subscribed
return command.send_object(["PUBLISH", "monkey", "banana"])
.then((_) => command.send_object(["PUBLISH", "monkey", "peanut"]))
.then((_) => command.send_object(["PUBLISH", "lion", "zebra"]));
}).then((_) {
var expect = [["message", "monkey", "banana"],["message", "monkey", "peanut"]];
return _test_rec_msg(pubsubstream,expect)
.then((bool r){
if(r != true)
throw "errror test_pubsub2";
Future test_pubsub_performance(int N) {
Command command; //on conn1 tosend commands
Stream pubsubstream; //on conn2 to rec c
int start;
RedisConnection conn = new RedisConnection();
return conn.connect('', 6379).then((Command cmd) {
command = cmd;
RedisConnection conn = new RedisConnection();
return conn.connect('', 6379);
}).then((Command cmd) {
PubSub pubsub = new PubSub(cmd);
pubsubstream = pubsub.getStream();
return pubsubstream;
}).then((_) {
//bussy wait for prevous to be subscibed
return Future.doWhile(() {
return command.send_object(["PUBSUB", "NUMSUB", "monkey"])
.then((v) => v[1] == 0);
}).then((_) {
//at thuis point one is subscribed
start = new DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
for(int i=0;i<N;++i){
command.send_object(["PUBLISH", "monkey", "banana"]);
}).then((_) {
int counter = 0;
var expected = ["message", "monkey", "banana"];
var subscription;
Completer comp = new Completer();
subscription = pubsubstream.listen((var data){
if(data.length != expected.length)
throw "wrong length";
for(int i = 0;i<expected.length;++i){
if(data[i] != expected[i]){
throw "wrong length";
if(counter == N){
int now = new DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
double diff = (now - start)/1000.0;
double perf = N/diff;
print(" pubsub perf complete complete , performance ${perf.round()} ops/s");
return comp.future;