namespace Video_Capture
public partial class CameraCapture : Form
//Variable Declaration
private Capture capture; //takes images from camera as image frame
private bool captureInProgress; //checks if capture is executing
private void ProcessFram(object sender, EventArgs arg)
Image<Bgr, Byte> ImageFrame = capture.QueryFrame();
CamImageBox.Image = ImageFrame;
public CameraCapture()
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
#region if capture is not created, create it now
if (capture == null)
capture = new Capture();
catch (NullReferenceException excpt)
if (capture != null)
if (captureInProgress)
{ //if camera is getting frames then stop the capture and set button Text
//"Start" for resuming capture
btnStart.Text = "Start!";
Application.Idle -= ProcessFram;
//if camera is not getting frames then start the capture and set button
//Text to "stop" for pausing capture
btnStart.Text = "Stop";
Application.Idle += ProcessFram;
captureInProgress = !captureInProgress;
private void ReleaseData()
if (capture != null)
After running the code and pressing the "start" button I get this error.