我有一个SQL数据库,其中填充了我们公司的顾问以及与之关联的客户端组。我有一个PowerShell脚本,用于检查此数据库,并从相应的O365安全组添加或删除顾问。 这个脚本工作正常。我的问题是,我想从O365安全组转移到Exchange Online中的启用邮件的安全组。
我已将几个组更改为启用邮件,但脚本不起作用,因为当前脚本中使用的PowerShell Cmdlet是MSol cmdlet,并且不知道如何处理启用邮件的安全组。我试图编辑脚本来更改cmdlet。新版本的工作类型,它添加了一个像它应该的用户,但它后立即删除用户。
工作脚本中的删除功能检查顾客用户是否存在于CLient组的SQL DB中,如果不存在,则从组中删除用户,如果是,则保留用户,如下所示:
# Perform group addition/removal only if the consultant exists in O365
if ($consultantUser)
Write-Host "Found user " $consultantMember.EmailAddress
# Check to see if authoritative SQL consultant table has this specific user
if ($consultants -notcontains $consultantMember.EmailAddress)
Write-Host "Removing user " $consultantMember.EmailAddress
Remove-MsoLGroupMember -groupObjectId $clientGroup.ObjectId -GroupMemberType "User" -groupmemberobjectid $consultantUser.ObjectId
Write-Host "Keeping user " $consultantMember.EmailAddress
# Perform group addition/removal only if the consultant exists in O365
if ($consultantUser)
Write-Host "Found user " $consultantMember.Name
# Check to see if authoritative SQL consultant table has this specific user
if ($consultant -notcontains $consultantMember.EmailAddresses)
Write-Host "Removing user " $consultantMember.Name
Remove-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $clientGroup.Name -Member $consultantAdd.Name
Write-Host "Keeping user " $consultantMember.Name
这里是原始脚本(User / Servername / Passwords编辑)和新脚本。 我希望有人可以指出我正确的方向,我将如何使第二个脚本的行为与第一个脚本相同。如果您需要更多信息,请告诉我
# Connect to O365
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($User,(ConvertTo-SecureString $Pass -AsPlainText -Force))
Import-Module MSOnline
Connect-MsolService -Credential $Cred
# Loop through SQL Azure Master Client Table
foreach ($dbClient in Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT ClientID, Value FROM [dbo].[clientMasterAttributes] WHERE Attribute = 'ClientName' ORDER BY ClientID;" -ServerInstance "XXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXX.net" -Database "XXXXXX" -Username "XXX" -Password "XXXXXXXXXX")
# Load SQL Azure Consultant Table per ClientID
$consultantQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT C.Email, E.employeeType FROM clientConsultantAttributes C INNER JOIN Employees E ON C.Email = E.Email WHERE C.ClientID = '{0}' AND C.Attribute = 'Current' AND C.Value = 'Y' AND E.employeeType IN (2,3,8);" -f $dbClient.ClientID
$consultants = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $consultantQuery -ServerInstance "XXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXX.net" -Database "XXXXXX" -Username "XXX" -Password "XXXXXXXXXX" | select -Expand Email
Write-Host $consultants
$clientGroupName = "client{0}" -f $dbClient.ClientID
# Query Azure AD to see if client security group exists
$clientGroup = Get-MsolGroup | where-object { $_.DisplayName -eq $clientGroupName}
if ($clientGroup)
# Add all users in SQL lookup to the group
foreach ($consultant in $consultants)
$consultantAdd = Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $consultant
if ($consultantAdd)
Write-Host "Add User " $consultant
Add-MsolGroupMember -groupObjectid $clientGroup.ObjectId -GroupMemberType "User" -GroupMemberObjectId $consultantAdd.ObjectId
Write-Host "Could not find " $consultant
# Found client security group, now loop through all group members to see if they still belong
foreach ($consultantMember in Get-MsolGroupMember -groupObjectid $clientGroup.ObjectId)
# Get individual consultant user object using email address from SQL table
$consultantUser = Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $consultantMember.EmailAddress
# Perform group addition/removal only if the consultant exists in O365
if ($consultantUser)
Write-Host "Found user " $consultantMember.EmailAddress
# Check to see if authoritative SQL consultant table has this specific user
if ($consultants -notcontains $consultantMember.EmailAddress)
Write-Host "Removing user " $consultantMember.EmailAddress
Remove-MsoLGroupMember -groupObjectId $clientGroup.ObjectId -GroupMemberType "User" -groupmemberobjectid $consultantUser.ObjectId
Write-Host "Keeping user " $consultantMember.EmailAddress
Import-Module MSOnline
Connect-MsolService -Credential $Cred
# Loop through SQL Azure Master Client Table
foreach ($dbClient in Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT ClientID, Value FROM [dbo].[clientMasterAttributes] WHERE Attribute = 'ClientName' ORDER BY ClientID;" -ServerInstance "XXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXX.net" -Database "XXXXXX" -Username "XXX" -Password "XXXXXXXXXX")
# Load SQL Azure Consultant Table per ClientID
$consultantQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT C.Email, E.employeeType FROM clientConsultantAttributes C INNER JOIN Employees E ON C.Email = E.Email WHERE C.ClientID = '{0}' AND C.Attribute = 'Current' AND C.Value = 'Y' AND E.employeeType IN (2,3,8);" -f $dbClient.ClientID
$consultants = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $consultantQuery -ServerInstance "XXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXX.net" -Database "XXXXXX" -Username "XXX" -Password "XXXXXXXXXX" | select -Expand Email
Write-Host $consultants
$clientGroupName = "client{0}" -f $dbClient.ClientID
# Query Azure AD to see if client security group exists
$clientGroup = Get-DistributionGroup | where-object { $_.DisplayName -eq $clientGroupName}
if ($clientGroup)
# Add all users in SQL lookup to the group
foreach ($consultant in $consultants)
$consultantAdd = Get-User -Identity $consultant
if ($consultantAdd)
Write-Host "Add User " $consultant
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $clientGroup.Name -Member $consultantAdd.Name
Write-Host "Could not find " $consultant
# Found client security group, now loop through all group members to see if they still belong
foreach ($consultantMember in Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $clientGroup.Name)
# Get individual consultant user object using email address from SQL table
$consultantUser = Get-User -Identity $consultantMember.Email
# Perform group addition/removal only if the consultant exists in O365
if ($consultantUser)
Write-Host "Found user " $consultantMember.Name
# Check to see if authoritative SQL consultant table has this specific user
if ($consultant -notcontains $consultantMember.EmailAddresses)
Write-Host "Removing user " $consultantMember.Name
Remove-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $clientGroup.Name -Member $consultantAdd.Name
Write-Host "Keeping user " $consultantMember.Name