
时间:2015-10-20 12:38:38

标签: sql sql-server sql-server-2012

我正在使用sql server 2012。



ISIN      NAME     Price     Barc    Bberg   QuoteType
ABC       MadeUp   100.33    101.23  0       Null
ABC       MadeUp   100.33    0       100.65  C


ISIN      NAME     Price     Barc    Bberg   QuoteType
ABC       MadeUp   100.33    101.23  100.65  C


with PCF as 
    select distinct tp.isin, tp.name, price 
    from tblTempPCF tp   
    inner join tblFunds f on tp.FundCode = f.CodeSS
    where f.FundType ='FixedIncome' and tp.CashItem =0
 OffPrice as 
    select isin, coalesce(Price, 0) Price, PriceSource, QuoteType 
    from tblTempPrices 
    where SecurityType = 'FixedIncome' and TableCheck = 'PCF'
 pvt as 
    select * 
    from OffPrice 
    source pivot (max(price) for PriceSource in ([BBerg], [Barc])) as pvt
FinalP as 
 select isin, coalesce(BBerg, 0) as BBerg, coalesce(Barc, 0) as Barc, QuoteType 
 from pvt
select PCF.ISIN, PCF.Name, isnull(PCF.Price,0) Price, isnull(finalP.Barc,0) Barc, isnull(finalP.BBerg,0) Bberg, FinalP.QuoteType 
from PCF 
left join FinalP on PCF.isin = FinalP.isin

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