drop procedure if exists bookings_by_voucher;
delimiter //
create procedure bookings_by_voucher(in start_date date, in end_date date, l_id int)
language sql
sql security definer
declare s text;
select distinct group_concat(concat('sum(if(c.gross_value = ',gross_value,',c.net_value,0)) coupon',
cast(gross_value as unsigned))) from coupons into s;
set @query = concat('select ',if(l_id is null, '"All Locations"','l.location_name'),
' location_name,ifnull(b.places, 0) as places, ',
if(start_date is null and end_date is null,'"All Dates"',
if(start_date is null, concat('" <= ',end_date,'"'),
if(end_date is null,concat('" >= ',start_date,'"'),
concat('"',start_date,' - ',end_date,'"')
),' dates,',
ifnull(s,'"No Coupons"'),
',round(sum(b.price/1.2-ifnull(c.net_value,0)), 2) paidbycard from locations l join bookings b ',
' on l.id = b.location_id ',
concat(if(start_date is null,'',concat(' and b.date >= "', start_date,'"'))),
concat(if(end_date is null,'',concat(' and b.date <= "', end_date,'"'))),
' left join coupons c on b.voucher_code = c.code',
if (l_id is null, ' group by l.id', concat(' where l.id = ', l_id) ));
/*select @query;*/
prepare stmt from @query;
execute stmt;
我从我的应用程序(内置Laravel 5.1)中获取的错误是:
SQLSTATE [42000]:语法错误或访问冲突:1064您有 SQL语法错误;查看与您的手册相对应的手册 MySQL服务器版本,用于在“paybycard”附近使用正确的语法 从位置l加入预订b on l.id = b.location_id left join &#39;在第1行(SQL:call bookings_by_voucher(null,null,null))
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我找到了一些东西,如果我没有错,在你的“group by”条款之后有“where”条款。