引起:java.lang.NullPointerException 在elorankings.controller.PRSettingsController.changeToIndivLabel(PRSettingsController.java:137)
private Label addPlayersInfo;
private Tab addBulkTag;
private Tab addIndivTag;
private void changeToBulkLabel(){
addPlayersInfo.setText("Add 1 player per line and to add player ranking, seperate them with comma"
+ "\n\nExample:"
+ "\nPlayers Tag, 1600"
+ "\n\nOR"
+ "\n\nPlayers Tag");
private void changeToIndivLabel(){
addPlayersInfo.setText("Add Players Individually by providing a tag name and initial ranking. If no Initial ranking is provided, then player will have the initial ranking that was set on the previous page.");
Tab ID and #OnSelectionChanged
Other Tab ID and #OnSelectionChanged
<Label fx:id="addPlayersInfo" alignment="TOP_CENTER" layoutX="511.0" layoutY="29.0" maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="375.0" prefWidth="180.0" text="Add Players Individually by providing a tag name and initial ranking. If no Initial ranking is provided, then player will have the initial ranking that was set on the previous page." wrapText="true">
<Font size="16.0" />