在简单的Spring webservice Demo中禁止访问指定的资源

时间:2015-10-18 10:43:03

标签: maven spring-mvc spring-security spring-ws

我使用REST webservice创建了简单的spring安全演示。     我花了很多时间在It.Need强有力的指针关于简单的工作弹簧安全性休息webservice与最新版本。     我的控制器是

public class RestContoller {
    @RequestMapping(value = "/countryJSONProduce", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public ResponseEntity<CountryDetail> getCountryJSON() {

        CountryDetail countryDetail = new CountryDetail("Values");
        ResponseEntity<CountryDetail> rentity = new ResponseEntity<CountryDetail>(countryDetail, HttpStatus.OK);

        return rentity;

@RequestMapping(value = "/countryJSONConsume", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String consumeJSON(@RequestBody CountryDetail countryDetail) {
    System.out.println("Country Detail Example");
        return "home";
web.xml is 




my pom.xml is


        <!-- for Jsp use -->
        <!-- Spring mvc and Core -->

        <!-- Spring mvc and Core -->
        <!-- JSON Response Spring Framework 4.1, the minimum jackson version should 
            be 2.1 -->

        <!-- Compatiable Spring Framework 4.1 -->

        <!-- Spring Authentication Start -->

        <!-- Spring Authentication End -->


When I Run the code sometimes it shows popup in my Eclipse Mars INTENAL
browser for user and password.when i put my credentials it will goes to
localhost:8080/SpringMavenRest2/ welcome page ok.when I hit the
url localhost:8080/SpringMavenRest2/hello/countryJSONProduce
which is calling my first service.. it is showing the Error :Access to
the specified resource has been forbidden.403
Even I put user name and
password as basic auth.Now I am testing this second url  FROM CHROME
I am using this configuration Java 1.8 ,Tomcat 8.0
spring.version4.1.0.RELEASE ,springsecurity.version 4.0.2.RELEASE.
and maven 3.3
working well without authentication.Could you give any best referenced demo
for spring security with basic authentication.  I have refered this also

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


<security:intercept-url pattern="/hello/**" access="hasRole('ROLE_USER'') "/>
and / or 
<security:intercept-url pattern="/**" access="hasAnyRole('IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY','ROLE_USER')"/>