在emacs shell-mode窗口

时间:2015-10-17 22:10:40

标签: macos emacs parallels

问:有谁能告诉我如何运行" prlctl exec"在emacs shell模式缓冲区?

--- emacs shell模式中的+ prlctl问题


我想编写一些在Mac的OS-X上运行的shell和Perl脚本 类似UNIX的环境,它在Parallels上调用Windows应用程序。 特别是FrameMaker。

具体来说,我希望能够在emacs中工作,在本机上运行 Mac,然后做esc -x编译运行一个Makefile - 说 Makefile就像运行FrameMaker ExtendScript命令一样 做一些事情,比如更新一本书的目录 FrameMaker,将FrameMaker文件保存为文本或PDF等。基本上, 不幸的是,通常的各种自动化不再那么普遍。

我去年曾在Windows上使用过Cygwin,但是我 切换到使用带有Parallels的Mac。

prlctl命令似乎是我运行命令所需要的。 具体而言," prlctl exec"或者可能" prlctl进入"用于控制台 类型用法。

问题:prlctl exec在emacs下的shell模式缓冲区中运行不正常 在Mac上。

prlctl exec似乎在MacOS终端窗口中运行正常。

但是在emacs shell模式缓冲区中,嗯:

a)跑步" prlctl进入"工作一个emacs shell模式缓冲区工作。    我可以运行DOS命令行类型命令。但是当我退出时    " prlctl进入" session,它总是退出控制shell模式缓冲区的shell。

b)同样,命令如" prlctl exec ..."在emacs中运行    shell模式缓冲区,但是当exec' ed命令终止时,它    终止控制shell模式缓冲区的shell。

c)如果我尝试将prlctl exec放在后台,例如(prlctl exec ...&),    事情变得疯狂。看起来像键盘控制代码被发送到    shell控制emacs shell模式缓冲区。

我猜想" prlctl"是远程控制Windows命令 通过某种伪终端拦截。它一直都是 使用交互式MacOS终端窗口进行测试,但它不起作用 使用用于emacs shell-mode的伪终端。


说"只需从Mac终端窗口运行prlctl exec命令即可 可能几乎是正确的做法,尽管作为emacs原生, 这会很痛苦。但即使从Mac终端窗口运行, 我遇到了类似的prtlctl问题。

到目前为止,我还没能通过prlctl启动FrameMaker, 虽然我可以通过.BAT文件或PowerShell轻松启动它。

--- + emacs shell缓冲区的prlctl问题示例

--- ++ prlctl在mac终端窗口中成功运行

   Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro:~ glew$ prlctl list
    UUID                                    STATUS       IP_ADDR         NAME
    {3b5c5ff5-2909-4a8b-a9e6-a54d909ba98c}  running      -               WinVM
    Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro:~ glew$ prlctl enter WinVM
    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
    (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    C:\>echo hi
    echo hi

    Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro:~ glew$ 
    Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro:~ glew$ 

--- ++ prlctl在emacs shell模式缓冲区中运行

$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c47  h1222 j0 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1222 $>  prlctl enter WinVM
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\>echo hi
echo hi

✓ 02:27:14 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c48  h1223 j0 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1223 $>  exit

Process shell finished

"退出"我输入上面导致prlctl进入退出,因为它应该 - 但它显然也被发送到emacs shell模式控制进程。

--- ++ prlctl exec在macos终端窗口中

Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro:~ glew$ prlctl exec WinVM ipconfig | grep localdomain
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : localdomain
Tunnel adapter isatap.localdomain:
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : localdomain
Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro:~ glew$ 


--- ++ prlctl exec在emacs shell模式缓冲区中

$ bash 1226 $>  prlctl exec WinVM ipconfig | grep local
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : localdomain
   Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::958c:20a3:da02:2903%3
Tunnel adapter isatap.localdomain:
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : localdomain
   Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::249d:2248:f52c:c8fc%5
✓ 02:31:43 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c45  h1227 j0 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1227 $>  exit

Process shell finished

再次,它看起来像一个"退出"命令正在提供给 prlctl exec的Windows命令解释器 - 它看起来像prlctl exec 建立在prlctl enter之上 - 并且正在提供给它们 Windows命令解释器和emacs shell模式控制 过程

--- ++在Mac终端窗口中执行prlctl exec命令


Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro:~ glew$ prlctl exec WinVM ipconfig | grep localdomain 
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : localdomain
Tunnel adapter isatap.localdomain:
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : localdomain


Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro:~ glew$ prlctl exec WinVM ipconfig | grep localdomain &
[1] 63866
Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro:~ glew$ 

[1]+  Stopped                 prlctl exec WinVM ipconfig | grep localdomain

它暂停了一段时间。看来,即使在MacOS终端中也是如此 窗口,prlctl需要某种控制tty访问 exec - 即使它不应该用于此命令。

Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro:~ glew$ fg
prlctl exec WinVM ipconfig | grep localdomain

^ZAndy-Glew-MacBook-Pro:~ glew$ 
Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro:~ glew$ 
Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro:~ glew$ 

--- ++在emacs shell模式缓冲区中执行prlctl exec命令



首先,我知道最短的prlctl exec命令:

$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c44  h1226 j0 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1226 $>  prlctl exec WinVM echo hi &
[1] 63659
✓ 02:39:20 PM Saturday 2015-10-17

暂停了一会儿,但最终出现了僵硬的情况 - 它看起来像prlctl发送"退出"回到shell模式。

$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c45  h1227 j1 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1227 $>  exit

Process shell finished

使用更长的命令,例如" prlctl exec ... ipconfig",会出现更多内容:

$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c44  h1227 j0 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1227 $>  prlctl exec WinVM ipconfig | grep localdomain &
[1] 58231
✓ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17

上面是我输入的prlctl exec命令。

$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c45  h1228 j1 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1228 $>  exit
There are stopped jobs.

[1]+  Stopped                 prlctl exec WinVM ipconfig | grep localdomain
✓ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
好的,它暂停了一会儿。然后它看起来像prlctl exec 开始向emacs shell模式控制进程发送垃圾:

$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c45  h1229 j1 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1229 $>  [2] 58298
✓ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c46  h1230 j2 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1230 $>  bash: his:: command not found
✗ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c47  h1231 j2 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1231 $>  bash: s: command not found
✗ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c48  h1232 j2 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1232 $>  ✗ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c48  h1233 j2 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1233 $>  bash: e: command not found


[2]+  Stopped                 prlctl exec WinVM ipconfig | grep localdomain
✗ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c49  h1234 j2 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1234 $>  bash: syntax error near unexpected token `.*'
✗ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c49  h1235 j2 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1235 $>  > > > ✗ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `1'
  > > > ✗ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `1'


bash: syntax error near unexpected token `1'
✗ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > bash: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
✗ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
bash: !s\21\^KE\332n\216^C\340^C\262^E\223\377\315^D^W\236^D\375\236\270^D\325^P^[^?\376^C\234g000O\205UE\257p: event not found
✗ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
[3] 58511
[3]   Exit 127                Q\320^C\3660\307\203\351wk\244
✗ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17

......更多相同 - 看起来像控制代码

✗ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
✗ 02:36:10 PM Saturday 2015-10-17
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `&'

Process shell bus error: 10

实际上,我几乎毫不犹豫地展示了前一行,因为它暗示了一个shell bug。

--- +配置信息

2014年中期的MacBook Pro

$ bash 1229 $>  uname -a
Darwin Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro.local 14.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Wed Jul 29 02:26:53 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.40.9~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64


$ bash 1230 $>  prlctl --version
prlctl version 10.3.0 (29227) rev 0

From the Parallels Desktop about:
Version 10.3.0 (29227)
(same as for the command line)


Manually editing systeminfo to keep only the good bits

$ bash 1232 $>  prlctl exec WinVM systeminfo

OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro
OS Version:                6.3.9600 N/A Build 9600
OS Manufacturer:           Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration:          Standalone Workstation
OS Build Type:             Multiprocessor Free

System Boot Time:          10/17/15, 1:56:38 PM
System Manufacturer:       Parallels Software International Inc.
System Model:              Parallels Virtual Platform
System Type:               x64-based PC
Processor(s):              1 Processor(s) Installed.
               [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 70 Stepping 1 GenuineIntel ~2793 Mhz
BIOS Version:              Parallels Software International Inc. 10.3.0 (29227) rev 0, 9/21/15

Total Physical Memory:     12,272 MB
Available Physical Memory: 8,753 MB
Virtual Memory: Max Size:  14,128 MB
Virtual Memory: Available: 10,808 MB
Virtual Memory: In Use:    3,320 MB
$ bash glew@Andy-Glew-MacBook-Pro [~/hack]  c47  h1233 j0 $
$ bash  ~/hack $>
$ bash 1233 $>  exit

Process shell finished

and, as usual, prlctl exec closes the emacs shell-mode buffer I ran in in


GNU Emacs 24.4.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin14.0.0, NS apple-appkit-1343.16) of 2015-01-17 on Andys-MacBook-Pro.local

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

为了在后台运行Parallels exec,我发现了两种不同的方法:


prlctl exec 'Windows XP' /temp/script.bat argument1>NUL </dev/null &


echo var1 var2 var3 | xargs -I{} -P 4 bash -c "prlctl exec 'Windows XP' /temp/script.bat argument1>NUL"


seq 10 | xargs -I{} -P 4 bash -c "echo start {}; sleep 3; echo done {}"
