<my-directive watched-prop="ctrl.dataProperty"></my-directive>
module Test.Directives {
class MyDirectiveController {
public data: any;
// ngInject
constructor( /* Inject params */) {}
public testMethod(): void {
// Do something useful and set data-property
function linkImpl(scope: ng.IScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: ng.IAttributes, ctrl: ng.INgModelController) {
var watcher = scope.$watch("watchedProp", (newValue, oldValue) => {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
// on change call testMethod in controller... (how?)
scope.$on("$destroy", () => { watcher() });
myDirective.$inject = ["dependency1", "dependency2"];
export function myDirective(/* Inject params */): ng.IDirective {
var directive = <ng.IDirective> {
restrict: "E",
templateUrl: "../myDirectiveTemplate.tpl.html",
scope: { "watchedProp": "=" },
link: linkImpl,
controller: MyDirectiveController,
controllerAs: "directiveCtrl"
return directive;
<div>{{ directiveCtrl.data }}</div>
我的问题是,当链接方法触发更改时,我不明白如何与指令自己的控制器通信?是否有更好的,更正确的&#34;做我想要的方式? (我对在指令中同时使用链接和控制器是否被认为是错误感到有点困惑。)
答案 0 :(得分:3)
module Test.Directives {
export interface IMyDirectiveController {
testMethod(): void;
export class MyDirectiveController implements IMyDirectiveController {
public data: any;
// ngInject
constructor( /* Inject dependencies (e.g. service for web-api calls) */) {}
public testMethod(): void {
// Do something useful
export class MyDirective implements ng.IDirective {
restrict = "E";
templateUrl = "../myDirectiveTemplate.tpl.html";
scope = { watchedProp: "=" };
controller = MyDirectiveController;
controllerAs = "directiveCtrl";
// bindToController <- not used as I don't want to loose watchedProp?
// ngInject
constructor(/* Inject dependencies (e.g. url-resolver for template) */) {}
link(scope: ng.IScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: ng.IAttributes, ctrl: IMyDirectiveController): void {
var watcher = scope.$watch("watchedProp", (newValue, oldValue) => {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
ctrl.testMethod(); // <- Calls the controller-method
scope.$on("$destroy", () => { watcher() });
static create(): ng.IDirectiveFactory {
var directive: ng.IDirectiveFactory = (/* dependecies */): ng.IDirective => {
return new MyDirective(/* dependencies */);
directive.$inject = [/* dependecies */];
return directive;
编辑:我不能理解的一个小警告是我不能使用IMyDirective.create来注册我的指令,而是我必须使用IMyDirective.create()来执行依赖注入工作在指令构造函数中...... //欢呼