如何通过DCT& amp; amp; IDCT并将其解密?

时间:2015-10-17 14:08:06

标签: java android encryption dct

目前,我正在 Android 中进行图像加密离散余弦变换(从概念上讲,它应该在{{ 3}}但是使用不同的加密/解密步骤并且没有洗牌步骤。)


  1. 每个8x8块中的DCT。

  2. 加密阵列坐标(0,0)处的DC值/低频值。

  3. 将加密字节转换为双数组。

  4. 将第一个双数组保存到坐标(0,0)

  5. 将第二个双数组保存到坐标(7,7)

  6. 执行IDCT。

  7. 使用Color.rgba()函数将结果块从IDCT转换为RGBA颜色。
  8. 将像素组合在一起制作图像。
  9. 解密本身:

    1. 每个8x8块中的DCT。
    2. 从坐标(0,0)和(7,7)构造双数组。
    3. 将双数组转换为字节数组
    4. 从步骤3中转换双数组后的字节数组中解密DC值/低频值
    5. 获取解密字节块数组。
    6. 将解密后的块转换为double值。
    7. 将double值保存到坐标(0,0)。
    8. 将坐标(7,7)设置为零。
    9. 在8x8块上执行IDCT。
    10. 使用Color.rgba()函数将结果块从IDCT转换为RGBA颜色。
    11. 将像素组合在一起制作图像。
    12. ...

      // To encrypt
      private static byte[] encrypt(byte[] raw, byte[] clear) throws Exception {
          SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(raw, encryptAlgorithm);
          Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
          cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec);
          return cipher.doFinal(clear);
      // To decrypt
      private static byte[] decrypt(byte[] raw, byte[] encrypted) throws Exception {
          SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(raw, encryptAlgorithm);
          Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
          cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skeySpec);
          return cipher.doFinal(encrypted);
      public static byte[] toByteArray(double value) {
          byte[] bytes = new byte[8];
          return bytes;
      public static byte[] toByteArray(double[] doubleArray){
          int times = Double.SIZE / Byte.SIZE;
          byte[] bytes = new byte[doubleArray.length * times];
          for(int i=0;i<doubleArray.length;i++){
              ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, i*times, times).putDouble(doubleArray[i]);
          return bytes;
      public static double[] toDouble(byte[] bytes) {
          ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
          DoubleBuffer db = bb.asDoubleBuffer();
          double[] copy = new double[db.capacity()];
          return copy;
      public static Bitmap applyEncryption(Bitmap image, int blockSize) throws Exception {
          int xPos = 0, yPos = 0, a = 0, b = 0;
          int _w = image.getWidth();
          int _h = image.getHeight();
          int reconstImage[][] = new int[_w][_h];
          double dctArrayGray[][] = new double[8][8];
          // It will convert image bitmap pixels to 2-D arrays
          int[][] imageData = bitmapToArray(image);
          for (int i = 0; i< (_w / blockSize); i++) {
              xPos = i * blockSize;
              for (int j = 0; j < (_h / blockSize); j++) {
                  yPos = j * blockSize;
                  for (a = 0; a < blockSize; a++) {
                      for (b = 0; b < blockSize; b++) {
                          dctArrayGray[a][b] = (double) Color.red(imageData[xPos + a][yPos + b]);
                  DoubleDCT_2D dct = new DoubleDCT_2D(blockSize, blockSize);
                  dct.forward(dctArrayGray, true);
                  // Perform Encryption here....
                  byte[] chiperBytes = encrypt("ThisIsASecretKey".getBytes(), toByteArray(dctArrayGray[0][0]));
                  // This is the problem
                  // it will overflow the minimum/maximum DCT values, since there are max/min
                  //     when performing DCT
                  // 1. Save the first array in coordinate (0,0)
                  dctArrayGray[0][0] = toDouble(chiperBytes)[0];
                  // 2. save the second array in coordinate (7,7)
                  dctArrayGray[7][7] = toDouble(chiperBytes)[1];
                  // This is the problem I think, it may have "bits lost", after I perform `Color.rgba()` on each block to get pixel values, after below looping. 
                  // If I perform `dct.reverse` again, I will not get the same value as the `chiperBytes`
                  // since it will also be decrypted (see the decryption function below this function).
                  dct.inverse(dctArrayGray, true);
                  for (a = 0; a < blockSize; a++) {
                      for (b = 0; b < blockSize; b++) {
                          int red = (int) Math.round(dctArrayGray[a][b]);
                          reconstImage[xPos+a][yPos + b] = Color.argb(0xFF, red, red, red);
          // It will convert back the 2-D array to Bitmap image
          return arrayToBitmap(reconstImage);
       // Decryption
      public static Bitmap applyDecryption(Bitmap decryptedImage, int blockSize) throws Exception {
          int xPos = 0, yPos = 0, a = 0, b = 0;
          int _w = decryptedImage.getWidth();
          int _h = decryptedImage.getHeight();
          int reconstImage[][] = new int[_w][_h];
          double dctArrayGray[][] = new double[8][8];
          // It will convert image bitmap pixels to 2-D arrays
          int[][] imageData = bitmapToArray(decryptedImage);
          for (int i = 0; i< (_w / blockSize); i++) {
              xPos = i * blockSize;
              for (int j = 0; j < (_h / blockSize); j++) {
                  yPos = j * blockSize;
                  for (a = 0; a < blockSize; a++) {
                      for (b = 0; b < blockSize; b++) {
                          dctArrayGray[a][b] = (double) Color.red(imageData[xPos + a][yPos + b]);
                  DoubleDCT_2D dct = new DoubleDCT_2D(blockSize, blockSize);
                  dct.forward(dctArrayGray, true);
                  // Perform Decryption here....
                  // Get back the double values
                  double[] encryptedDoubleValues = new double[2];
                  encryptedDoubleValues[0] = dctArrayGray[0][0];
                  encryptedDoubleValues[1] = dctArrayGray[7][7];
                  // I got chiper block not completed EXCEPTION since I got bits lost during saving the encryption
                  // block to image and after converting to RGBA from IDCT (Inverse DCT)
                  byte[] chiperBytes = decrypt("ThisIsASecretKey".getBytes(), toByteArray(encryptedDoubleValues));
                  // 1. Save the first array in coordinate (0,0)
                  // This line below suppose to bring back the original value / almost the same with original
                  dctArrayGray[0][0] = toDouble2(chiperBytes);
                  // 2. save the second array in coordinate (7,7) and set it to zero
                  // (since AC values are expected to be loss and not necessary needed)
                  dctArrayGray[7][7] = 0;
                  dct.inverse(dctArrayGray, true);
                  for (a = 0; a < blockSize; a++) {
                      for (b = 0; b < blockSize; b++) {
                          int red = (int) Math.round(dctArrayGray[a][b]);
                          reconstImage[xPos+a][yPos + b] = Color.argb(0xFF, red, red, red);
          // It will convert back the 2-D array to Bitmap image
          return arrayToBitmap(reconstImage);

      DCT计算取自此this paper。 其他函数可以从stackoverflow中的其他问题线程中获取(对它们进行求值)。


      1. 如何将生成的加密/狙击结果存储为与DCT值兼容(因为我们知道DCT具有最大和最小值)?
      2. 有没有办法让我的代码在上面工作?问题在于存储加密数据并将其转换为IDCT数组,然后获得RGBA颜色。与解密相同。
      3. 非常感谢并非常感谢您的帮助。

        注意:我使用的是 Android 4.1.2而不是Java Desktop ,所以不要期望所有与Java桌面兼容的库都可用并在Android中正常运行。

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