
时间:2015-10-17 10:32:53

标签: python list loops random input


  • 重玩
  • 告诉玩家猜测正确答案需要多少次尝试
  • 告诉玩家许多数字如何正确引导玩家正确回答



def compareLists(a, b): # to compare the guessed numbers and random numbers
    return list(set(a) & set(b))
rNums = random.sample(range(10), 4) # random list of numbers
def start():
    count = 0 # count for number of tries
    global rNums
    gNums = [] # guessed numbers
    print(rNums) # cheating to save time
    flag = True # to stop the guessing loop

    while flag:
        print("Get ready to guess 4 numbers!")
        for i in range(0, 4): # asks the player 4 times to input a number
            x = int(input("Guess: "))
            gNums.append(x) # puts numbers in guessed numbers

        comparison = len(compareLists(rNums, gNums)) # storing the length of the list of similar numbers
        isCorrect = gNums == rNums # to check if lists are the same
        print("You guessed: ", gNums) # telling player what they have guessed

        if isCorrect: # if the lists are the same

            if count > 1:
                print("You win!! It only took you %d tries!" %count) # telling the player how many tries it took
            else: #congratulating the player on a flawless guess
                print("I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I'M SEEING!!!")
                print("YOU GOT IT IN ONE GO!!")
            count += 1 # increment count
            rNums = random.sample(range(10), 4) # generate new numbers
            pAgain = input("Play again?")
            if pAgain.lower() in ('y', 'yes'): # replaying the game
            elif pAgain.lower() in ('n', 'no'):
                flag = False
                print("Incorrect syntax!")

            print("You guessed " + str(comparison) + " numbers right, keep guessing!") # tells the player how many numbers are similar so the player can get a more educated guess
            gNums.clear() # empties guessed numbers
            count += 1 # increment count
            print("Number of tries so far: %d" %count) # showing player number of tries so far

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


isCorrect = gNums == rNums # to check if lists are the same



isCorrect = comparison == len(gNums) # to check if lists are the same

