def generate_schedule
logger.info @generate_schedules
# create hash for view
@generate_schedules = Hash.new
# find current required schedule
schedule_structure = Availability.where(:addressable_type =>'CallCenter',:addressable_id => session[:employee].call_centers.first.id).all
# find all available employee times
employee_availability = Availability.where('priority > 0').where(:addressable_type => 'Employee', :addressable_id => session[:employee].call_centers.first.employees.collect(&:id)).all
# create availability to requirement hash to determine order of days
availability_to_requirement_hash = create_availability_to_requirement_hash(schedule_structure, employee_availability)
# iterate through the hash day by day, a data is no use to us
availability_to_requirement_hash.each do |day,a|
# select the employees with availability for the chosen day, sort them by priority, and then iterate through them to clear the requirements
employee_availability.select{|b| b.day_increment == day}.sort_by{|c| c.priority}.group_by(&:addressable).each do |employee, availabilities|
# select the start time for the current day defined from requirement hash
start_time = schedule_structure.select{|b| b.day_increment == day && b.priority > 0}.first.time_increment
#define the length of the shift
shift_length = employee.length_of_shift > availabilities.length ? availabilities.length : employee.length_of_shift
#define the end time for the shift
end_time = start_time + shift_length
logger.info end_time
#check if employee already defined in hash, if present add the shift as an array of date, start time and end time, if not then add employee to hash with value as array
@generate_schedules.has_key?(employee) ? @generate_schedules[employee] << [day, start_time, end_time] : @generate_schedules[employee] = [[day, start_time, end_time]]
logger.info schedule_structure
#update the schedule structure to reflect the time removed // do not change database
(1..shift_length).each do |d|
schedule_structure.select{|e| e.day_increment == day && e.priority > 0}.first.priority -= 1