
时间:2015-10-15 21:18:36

标签: python

我正在艰难地学习Python和学习Python,并且在 ex36 上遇到了问题。


elif "1" or "2" in choice and not key.

即使声明中没有“1”或“2”。我不明白为什么会这样。看起来很好。当我使用另一个嵌套if语句时,嵌套语句超过了这一点,但是它挂起了另一个点,所以我移动了我的初始化变量 - 不确定这是否是python中的东西 - 我确实移动了它们虽然 - 在while循环之外。 在我漫游之前,这里是完整的代码。 我知道逻辑不完整,超过一半的代码没有完成,但我需要知道为什么这个语句不起作用。

#write function definition statements.
def darkRoom():
    door = raw_input(">>> ")

    if "1" in door:
    elif "2" in door:
    elif "3" in door:
        print """A thunderous voice booms through the room exclaiming,
"CHOOSE DOOR 1, 2, OR 3!"""

def lions():
#naming error somewhere here
    keys = False
    lions = False #lions are calm if false. They are pissed if true
    warning = True
    while True:

        choice = raw_input(">>> ")
        print " %r %r %r" % (keys, lions, warning)
        x = "1" or "2" not in choice and not key and lions

        if "take" and "key" in choice:
            key = True
            print """There are two doors behind the angry pride of lions.
Which door are you going to run to and open before the lions eat you?"""
            door = raw_input(">>> ")
            if "1" in door and key == True:
            elif "2" in door and key == True:
                youDie("You take too long to decide which door to take and the lions eat you.")
        elif "look" in choice:
            print "Looks like you're going to have to take the key from the lions"
#never gets past this statement even when 1 and two not in choice. This is what my question
#is about
        elif "1" or "2" in choice and not key:
            print "The Door is locked and the lions are starting to stare."
            lions = True
            print " %r %r %r" % (keys, lions, warning)
            print "%r" % choice
#never reaches this point. I don't know why.

        elif x and warning:
                    print """The lions leave the key and start to chase you. Quick get the
key before they catch you"""

                    warning = False
#Statement never reaches this point. It should
        elif x and not warning:
                youDie("You take too long to take the key and the lions eat you for it.")
# entering jig in statement should put me here and not at line 46
            print """"You quickly realize that doesn't do you any good.
You take another look at your surroundings"""
#don't think I need that while I have the while loop.

##def tiger():

##def bear():

##def threeBrickRoads():

##def quickSand():

##def sizePuzzle():

##def riddlesOnWall():

##def wolfSheepCabbage():

##def duckHunt():

##def hangman():

##def goldRoom():

##def oceanShore():

##def winScreen():

def youDie():
    print why, """You lay there pondering your mistake as
the last fleeting pulses of life slowly beat out of you."""


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

elif "1" or "2" in choice and not key



elif choice in ['1', '2'] and not key

答案 1 :(得分:1)


elif "1" or "2" in choice and not key:


  1. 如果“1”(没有其他任何内容)
  2. 如果选择“2”而不是键
  3. 如果您是初学者,这是一个典型的错误,如果您按照以下方式编写,则可以轻松解决此问题(最简单的修复):

    elif choice in [1, 2] and not key:


答案 2 :(得分:-3)
