我正在一个项目中工作,我必须使用Crt A + Crt C从网页复制一些文本,然后我想在Excel中使用此数据 复制的文本大约是100行,具有不同的大小,让我们说在线有一个200字符串的字符串,下一个有500图表。而第3个可能是20个 有没有办法循环剪贴板数据行并将它们复制到数组?
我添加复制的样本(在页面中制作Crt A Crt C)文本:
用户名是XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DashboardAnalyticsPolicyAdministration 网络见解 打印视图 重来 1选择图表类型 日志 应用过滤器 2选择一个时间表 自定义:9/1/2015 12:00:00 AM - 9/30/2015 12:00:00 AM 3选择过滤器 添加过滤器 2.4 TB 2.0 TB 879.9 GB 656.8 GB 472.0 GB 442.4 GB 242.1 GB 213.5 GB 189.3 GB 103.8 GB Office 365 - SSL旁路 专业的服务 流媒体 网站所有人 互联网服务 企业营销 杂 网络搜索 新闻和媒体 社交网络 URL CategoryTop 10TransactionsBytes 注意 : 如果将此文本粘贴到记事本,您将逐行看到它
答案 0 :(得分:5)
要跟进我的评论,如果您按照here中的说明添加对Microsoft Forms Library 2.0
Function ClipToArray() As Variant
Dim clip As New MSForms.DataObject
Dim lines As String
lines = clip.GetText
lines = Replace(lines, vbCr, "")
ClipToArray = Split(lines, vbLf)
End Function
Sub test()
Dim A As Variant
Dim i As Long
A = ClipToArray()
For i = LBound(A) To UBound(A)
Debug.Print A(i)
Next i
End Sub
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
答案 1 :(得分:0)
'Display the content of the clipboard
Sub test()
Dim A As Variant
Dim i As Long
A = ClipToArray()
For i = LBound(A, 1) To UBound(A, 1)
tmp = ""
For j = LBound(A, 2) To UBound(A, 2)
tmp = tmp & A(i, j) & " | "
Debug.Print tmp
End Sub
'Made by LePatay on 2018/12/07
'Extract a 2D array from a copied 2D range
Function ClipToArray()
'Include Tools -> References -> Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
'or you will get a "Compile error: user-defined type not defined"
Dim dataobj As New MSForms.DataObject
Dim array2Dfitted As Variant
Dim cbString As String
'Special characters
quote = """"
tabkey = vbTab
CarrReturn = vbCr
LineFeed = vbLf
'Get the string stored in the clipboard
On Error GoTo TheEnd
cbString = dataobj.GetText
On Error GoTo 0
'Note: inside a cell, you only find "vbLf";
'at the end of each row, you find "vbCrLf", which is actually "vbCr & vbLf".
cbString = Replace(cbString, vbCrLf, CarrReturn)
'Length of the string
nbChar = Len(cbString)
'Get the number of rows
nbRows = Application.Max(1, nbChar - Len(Replace(cbString, CarrReturn, "")))
'Get the maximum number of columns possible
nbColumnsMax = nbChar - Len(Replace(cbString, tabkey, "")) + 1
'Initialise a 2D array
Dim array2D As Variant
ReDim array2D(1 To nbRows, 1 To nbColumnsMax)
'Initial position in array2D (1st cell)
curRow = 1
curColumn = 1
'Initialise the actual number of columns
nbColumns = curColumn
'Initialise the previous character
prevChar = ""
'Browse the string
For i = 1 To nbChar
'Boolean "copy the character"
bCopy = True
'Boolean "reinitialise the previous character"
bResetPrev = False
'For each character
curChar = Mid(cbString, i, 1)
Select Case curChar
'If it's a quote
Case quote:
'If the previous character is a quote
If prevChar = quote Then
'Indicates that the previous character must be reinitialised
'(in case of a succession of quotes)
bResetPrev = True
'Indicates the character must not be copied
bCopy = False
End If
'If it's a tab
Case tabkey:
'Indicates the character must not be copied
bCopy = False
'Skip to the next column
curColumn = curColumn + 1
'Updates the actual number of columns
nbColumns = Application.Max(curColumn, nbColumns)
'If it's a carriage return
Case CarrReturn:
'Indicates the character must not be copied
bCopy = False
'If it's not the 1st character
If i > 1 Then
'Skip to the next row
curRow = curRow + 1
curColumn = 1
End If
End Select
'If the character must be copied
If bCopy Then
'Adds the character to the current cell
array2D(curRow, curColumn) = array2D(curRow, curColumn) & curChar
End If
'If the previous character must be reinitialised
If bResetPrev Then
prevChar = ""
'Saves the character
prevChar = curChar
End If
'Create a 2D array with the correct dimensions
ReDim array2Dfitted(1 To nbRows, 1 To nbColumns)
'Copies the data from the big array to the fitted one (no useless columns)
For r = 1 To nbRows
For c = 1 To nbColumns
array2Dfitted(r, c) = array2D(r, c)
ClipToArray = array2Dfitted
End Function