NSString *ending;
int ones = num % 10;
int tens = floor(num / 10);
tens = tens % 10;
if(tens == 1){
ending = @"th";
}else {
switch (ones) {
case 1:
ending = @"st";
case 2:
ending = @"nd";
case 3:
ending = @"rd";
ending = @"th";
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%@", num, ending];
改编自nickf的答案 Is there an easy way in .NET to get "st", "nd", "rd" and "th" endings for numbers?
答案 0 :(得分:33)
从iOS 9开始,正确的方法是:
NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle;
NSLog(@"%@", [numberFormatter stringFromNumber:@(1)]); // 1st
NSLog(@"%@", [numberFormatter stringFromNumber:@(2)]); // 2nd
NSLog(@"%@", [numberFormatter stringFromNumber:@(3)]); // 3rd, etc.
NSLog(@"%@", [NSString localizedStringFromNumber:@(1)
numberStyle:NSNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle]); // 1st
答案 1 :(得分:22)
这是一种方法(英语)的技巧。感谢nickf https://stackoverflow.com/a/69284/1208690获取PHP中的原始代码,我只是将其改编为objective C
: -
-(NSString *) addSuffixToNumber:(int) number
NSString *suffix;
int ones = number % 10;
int tens = (number/10) % 10;
if (tens ==1) {
suffix = @"th";
} else if (ones ==1){
suffix = @"st";
} else if (ones ==2){
suffix = @"nd";
} else if (ones ==3){
suffix = @"rd";
} else {
suffix = @"th";
NSString * completeAsString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%@", number, suffix];
return completeAsString;
答案 2 :(得分:15)
其他Swift解决方案无法产生正确的结果并包含错误。 我已将CmKndy解决方案翻译成Swift
extension Int {
var ordinal: String {
var suffix: String
let ones: Int = self % 10
let tens: Int = (self/10) % 10
if tens == 1 {
suffix = "th"
} else if ones == 1 {
suffix = "st"
} else if ones == 2 {
suffix = "nd"
} else if ones == 3 {
suffix = "rd"
} else {
suffix = "th"
return "\(self)\(suffix)"
测试结果: 第0 1 第2 第3 第四 第5 第6 7日 第八 9日 第10 第11 第12 第13 第14 第15 第16 17 18 19 20 21 第22 23
答案 3 :(得分:14)
// OrdinalNumberFormatter.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface OrdinalNumberFormatter : NSNumberFormatter {
// OrdinalNumberFormatter.m
#import "OrdinalNumberFormatter.h"
@implementation OrdinalNumberFormatter
- (BOOL)getObjectValue:(id *)anObject forString:(NSString *)string errorDescription:(NSString **)error {
NSInteger integerNumber;
NSScanner *scanner;
BOOL isSuccessful = NO;
NSCharacterSet *letters = [NSCharacterSet letterCharacterSet];
scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:string];
[scanner setCaseSensitive:NO];
[scanner setCharactersToBeSkipped:letters];
if ([scanner scanInteger:&integerNumber]){
isSuccessful = YES;
if (anObject) {
*anObject = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:integerNumber];
} else {
if (error) {
*error = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Unable to create number from %@", string];
return isSuccessful;
- (NSString *)stringForObjectValue:(id)anObject {
if (![anObject isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
return nil;
NSString *strRep = [anObject stringValue];
NSString *lastDigit = [strRep substringFromIndex:([strRep length]-1)];
NSString *ordinal;
if ([strRep isEqualToString:@"11"] || [strRep isEqualToString:@"12"] || [strRep isEqualToString:@"13"]) {
ordinal = @"th";
} else if ([lastDigit isEqualToString:@"1"]) {
ordinal = @"st";
} else if ([lastDigit isEqualToString:@"2"]) {
ordinal = @"nd";
} else if ([lastDigit isEqualToString:@"3"]) {
ordinal = @"rd";
} else {
ordinal = @"th";
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", strRep, ordinal];
将其实例化为Interface Builder对象,并将Text Field的格式化程序出口附加到其中。为了更好地控制(例如设置最大值和最小值,您应该创建格式化程序的实例,根据需要设置属性,并使用它的setFormatter:
您可以download the class from GitHub(包括示例项目)
答案 4 :(得分:13)
从iOS 9开始
Swift 4
private var ordinalFormatter: NumberFormatter = {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .ordinal
return formatter
extension Int {
var ordinal: String? {
return ordinalFormatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: self))
答案 5 :(得分:6)
extension Int {
var ordinal: String {
get {
var suffix = "th"
switch self % 10 {
case 1:
suffix = "st"
case 2:
suffix = "nd"
case 3:
suffix = "rd"
default: ()
if 10 < (self % 100) && (self % 100) < 20 {
suffix = "th"
return String(self) + suffix
cell.label_position.text = (path.row + 1).ordinal
答案 6 :(得分:5)
+ (NSString *)buildRankString:(NSNumber *)rank
NSString *suffix = nil;
int rankInt = [rank intValue];
int ones = rankInt % 10;
int tens = floor(rankInt / 10);
tens = tens % 10;
if (tens == 1) {
suffix = @"th";
} else {
switch (ones) {
case 1 : suffix = @"st"; break;
case 2 : suffix = @"nd"; break;
case 3 : suffix = @"rd"; break;
default : suffix = @"th";
NSString *rankString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", rank, suffix];
return rankString;
答案 7 :(得分:5)
extension IntegerType {
func ordinalString() -> String {
switch self % 10 {
case 1...3 where 11...13 ~= self % 100: return "\(self)" + "th"
case 1: return "\(self)" + "st"
case 2: return "\(self)" + "nd"
case 3: return "\(self)" + "rd"
default: return "\(self)" + "th"
let numbers = (0...30).map { $0.ordinalString() }
print(numbers.joinWithSeparator(", "))
第0,第1,第2,第3,第4,第5,第6,第7,第8,第9,第10,第11,第12,第13,第14,第15,第16,第17,第18,第19,第20,第21,第22,第23 ,24日,25日,26日,27日,28日,29日,30日
答案 8 :(得分:4)
- Swift 4 -
let num = 1
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .ordinal
let day = formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: num))
result - 1st
答案 9 :(得分:3)
答案 10 :(得分:3)
func ordinal(number: Int) -> String {
if (11...13).contains(number % 100) {
return "\(number)th"
switch number % 10 {
case 1: return "\(number)st"
case 2: return "\(number)nd"
case 3: return "\(number)rd"
default: return "\(number)th"
extension Int {
func ordinal() -> String {
return "\(self)\(ordinalSuffix())"
func ordinalSuffix() -> String {
if (11...13).contains(self % 100) {
return "th"
switch self % 10 {
case 1: return "st"
case 2: return "nd"
case 3: return "rd"
default: return "th"
答案 11 :(得分:2)
答案 12 :(得分:2)
有一个简单的解决方案let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .ordinal
let first = formatter.string(from: 1) // 1st
let second = formatter.string(from: 2) // 2nd
答案 13 :(得分:1)
这会将日期转换为字符串,并在日期中添加序号。您可以通过更改 NSDateFormatter 对象
来修改日期格式-(NSString*) getOrdinalDateString:(NSDate*)date
NSString* string=@"";
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] components: NSCalendarUnitDay fromDate:date];
if(components.day == 1 || components.day == 21 || components.day == 31)
string = @"st";
else if (components.day == 2 || components.day == 22)
string = @"nd";
else if (components.day == 3 || components.day == 23)
string = @"rd";
string = @"th";
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatte = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatte setFormatterBehavior:NSDateFormatterBehavior10_4];
[dateFormatte setDateFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"d'%@' MMMM yyyy",string]];
NSString *dateString = [dateFormatte stringFromDate:date];
return dateString;
答案 14 :(得分:0)
extension Int {
func ordinal() -> String {
let suffix: String!
// treat negative numbers as positive for suffix
let number = (self < 0 ? self * -1 : self)
switch number % 10 {
case 0:
suffix = self != 0 ? "th" : ""
case 1:
suffix = "st"
case 2:
suffix = "nd"
case 3:
suffix = "rd"
suffix = "th"
return String(self) + suffix
答案 15 :(得分:0)
for(int i=0;i<1000;i++){
int n = i;
NSString* ordinal = @"th";
if(n%10==1 && n%100!=11) ordinal = @"st";
if(n%10==2 && n%100!=12) ordinal = @"nd";
if(n%10==3 && n%100!=13) ordinal = @"rd";
NSLog(@"You are the %d%@",i,ordinal);
答案 16 :(得分:0)
- (NSString *) formatOrdinalNumber:(NSInteger )number{
NSString *result = nil;
//0 remains just 0
if (number == 0) {
result = @"0";
//test for number between 3 and 21 as they follow a
//slightly different rule and all end with th
else if (number > 3 && number < 21)
result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld th",(long)number];
else {
//return the last digit of the number e.g. 102 is 2
NSInteger lastdigit = number % 10;
switch (lastdigit)
case 1: result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld st",(long)number]; break;
case 2: result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld nd",(long)number]; break;
case 3: result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld rd",(long)number]; break;
default: result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld th",(long)number];
return result;
答案 17 :(得分:0)
extension Int {
var localizedOrdinal: String {
func ordinalSuffix(int: Int) -> String {
for language in NSLocale.preferredLanguages() as [String] {
switch language {
case let l where l.hasPrefix("it"):
return "°"
case let l where l.hasPrefix("en"):
switch int {
case let x where x != 11 && x % 10 == 1:
return "st"
case let x where x != 12 && x % 10 == 2:
return "nd"
case let x where x != 13 && x % 10 == 3:
return "rd"
return "st"
return ""
return "\(self)" + ordinalSuffix(self)
答案 18 :(得分:0)
function numberToOrdinal(n) {
if (n==0) {
return n;
var j = n % 10,
k = n % 100;
if (j == 1 && k != 11) {
return n + "st";
if (j == 2 && k != 12) {
return n + "nd";
if (j == 3 && k != 13) {
return n + "rd";
return n + "th";
答案 19 :(得分:-4)
这是我的强力实现,以获取日期的NSString *表示并返回序数值。我觉得阅读起来容易得多。
NSDictionary *ordinalDates = @{
@"1": @"1st",
@"2": @"2nd",
@"3": @"3rd",
@"4": @"4th",
@"5": @"5th",
@"6": @"6th",
@"7": @"7th",
@"8": @"8th",
@"9": @"9th",
@"10": @"10th",
@"11": @"11th",
@"12": @"12th",
@"13": @"13th",
@"14": @"14th",
@"15": @"15th",
@"16": @"16th",
@"17": @"17th",
@"18": @"18th",
@"19": @"19th",
@"20": @"20th",
@"21": @"21st",
@"22": @"22nd",
@"23": @"23rd",
@"24": @"24th",
@"25": @"25th",
@"26": @"26th",
@"27": @"27th",
@"28": @"28th",
@"29": @"29th",
@"30": @"30th",
@"31": @"31st" };