C:分段错误:GDB:<error reading =“”variable =“”>

时间:2015-10-14 12:06:22

标签: c debugging segmentation-fault gdb valgrind


出现问题的函数大约调用10x并按预期工作,直到它与GDB发生段错误: “错误读取变量:无法访问内存” 和valgrind: “无效读取大小8”




static void processBuffer (GameView currentView, Link pQ, int *pQLen, 
                           LocationID *buffer, int bufferLen, Link prev,
                           LocationID cur)
    //printLinkIndex("prev", prev, NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS);
    // adds newly retrieved buffer Locations to queue adding link types 
    appendLocationsToQueue(currentView, pQ, pQLen, buffer, bufferLen, cur);
    // calculates distance of new locations and updates prev when needed
    updatePrev(currentView, pQ, pQLen, prev, cur);  <--- this line here 

    qsort((void *) pQ, *pQLen, sizeof(link), (compfn)cmpDist);
    // qsort sanity check
    int i, qsortErr = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < *pQLen-1; i++) 
        if (pQ[i].dist > pQ[i+1].dist) qsortErr = 1;
    if (qsortErr) {
        fprintf(stderr, "loadToPQ: qsort did not sort succesfully");


static void appendLocationsToQueue (GameView currentView, Link pQ, 
                                   int *pQLen, LocationID *buffer, 
                                   int bufferLen, LocationID cur)
    int i, c, conns;
    TransportID type[MAX_TRANSPORT] = { NONE };     

    for (i = 0; i < bufferLen; i++) { 
        // get connection information (up to 3 possible)  
        conns = connections(currentView->gameMap, cur, buffer[i], type);
        for (c = 0; c < conns; c++) {
            pQ[*pQLen].loc = buffer[i];
            pQ[(*pQLen)++].type = type[c];            


以下是相关代码的其余部分: 最短路径():

Link shortestPath (GameView currentView, LocationID from, LocationID to, PlayerID player, int road, int rail, int boat)
    if (!RAIL_MOVE) rail = 0;

    // index of locations that have been visited    
    int visited[NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS] = { 0 };

    // current shortest distance from the source
    // the previous node for current known shortest path
    Link prev;
    if(!(prev = malloc(NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS*sizeof(link))))
        fprintf(stderr, "GameView.c: shortestPath: malloc failure (prev)");

    int i;
    // intialise link data structure
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAP_LOCATIONS; i++) {
        prev[i].loc = NOWHERE;
        prev[i].type = NONE;
        if (i != from) prev[i].dist = INF; 
        else prev[i].dist = LAST; 
    LocationID *buffer, cur;
    // a priority queue that dictates the order LocationID's are checked
    Link pQ;
    int bufferLen, pQLen = 0;
    if (!(pQ = malloc(MAX_QUEUE*sizeof(link))))
        fprintf(stderr, "GameView.c: shortestPath: malloc failure (pQ)");
    // load initial location into queue
    pQ[pQLen++].loc = from;

    while (!visited[to]) {
        // remove first item from queue into cur  
        shift(pQ, &pQLen, &cur);
        if (visited[cur]) continue;
        // freeing malloc from connectedLocations()
        if (cur != from) free(buffer); 
        // find all locations connected to   
        buffer = connectedLocations(currentView, &bufferLen, cur, 
                                    player, currentView->roundNum, road, 
                                    rail, boat); 
        // mark current node as visited
        visited[cur] = VISITED;
        // locations from buffer are used to update priority queue (pQ) 
        // and distance information in prev       
        processBuffer(currentView, pQ, &pQLen, buffer, bufferLen, prev,
    return prev;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


appendLocationsToQueue(currentView, pQ, pQLen, buffer, bufferLen, cur);


您可以在调用print $rbp之前和之后使用appendLocationsToQueue在GDB中对此进行确认($rbp应该在给定函数内始终具有相同的值,但会更改)。


您应该可以使用Address Sanitizer(g++ -fsanitize=address ...)轻松找到此错误。

在GDB中找到溢出也相当容易:步入appendLocationsToQueue,然后执行watch -l *(char**)$rbpcontinue。当您的代码覆盖$rbp保存位置时,应触发观察点。