
时间:2015-10-14 06:45:24

标签: php mysql html5

我已经开发了一个PHP和PHP的Web应用程序。 MySQL的。我得到了房间分配模块的一部分问题。




  1. 为什么它只在某些时候发生?
  2. 创建重复值的位置
  3. 怎么回事?
  4. 如何纠正这个问题!!
  5. 请有人帮我避免这个问题。!!!


        $admin = $_POST['admin'];
        $roomno = $_POST['str_roomno']; //unique No
        $currentdate = $_POST['str_currentDate'];
        $employeeID = $_POST['str_empID']; //current user ID
        $list_id = $_POST['list'];     //collect list of time slot from previous page
        $total_checkedRows   = count($list_id);   //counting the total slot from previous page
        for($i = 0; $i < $total_checkedRows; $i++)
                $fromTime =  $_POST['time_fromTime'.$list_id[$i]];
                $endTime =  $_POST['time_endTime'.$list_id[$i]];
                $status  = $_POST['str_status'.$list_id[$i]];
                $reason =  $_POST['str_comment'] ; 
                $statusCheck = "occupied";
                    $id_lineID = $_POST['id_bookedID'.$list_id[$i]];
                if($status == 1)
                $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO hrms_room_calendar (room_id, booking_date, from_time, to_time, employee_id , booking_status, reason) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                                       GetSQLValueString($roomno, "int"),
                                       GetSQLValueString($currentdate, "date"),
                                       GetSQLValueString($fromTime, "text"),
                                       GetSQLValueString($endTime, "text"),
                                       GetSQLValueString($employeeID, "int"),
                                       GetSQLValueString($statusCheck, "text"),
                                       GetSQLValueString($reason, "text"));
                  $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL) or die(mysql_error());
                else if ($status == 2)
                    $updateQuery = sprintf("update hrms_room_calendar set booking_status = %s , employee_id = %s, reason = %s where booking_id = %s",
                                       GetSQLValueString($statusCheck, "text"),
                                       GetSQLValueString($employeeID, "int"),
                                       GetSQLValueString($reason , "text"),
                                       GetSQLValueString($id_lineID, "int"));
                    $Result1 = mysql_query($updateQuery) or die(mysql_error());


     <form action="BookOrCancel_room.php" method="POST" name="from_roomdetailsfillter" id="from_roomdetailsfillter" onsubmit="return mycommendfunction(1);" >
    <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_GET['roomid'] ; ?>" name="str_roomno" />
    <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_GET['calender'] ; ?>" name="str_currentDate" />
    <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $LoginEmpID ; ?>" name="str_empID" />
    <input type="hidden"  name="str_comment" id="id_commend" /> <!--value coming from js -->
    <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $admin; ?>" name="admin" />
    foreach($range as $timeRange)  
            $count ++;
            $fromTime = $timeRange;
            $fromTime = date("h:i A", $add_time); //Now starting time + 1 Min
            $Endtime_in_db_24_hour_format = $dbendTime; //Detractly retireve from database
            echo "<input type='text' name='time_fromTime$count' value='$Fromtime_in_24_hour_format' style = 'display: none;'/>
            <input type='text' name='time_endTime$count' value='$Endtime_in_24_hour_format' style = 'display: none;'/> ";
            $link = "BookOrCancel_room.php?roomno=".$roomid."&Currentdate=". $date_Entered. "&employeeID=" . $LoginEmpID . "&fromTime=". $Fromtime_in_24_hour_format."&endTime=".$Endtime_in_24_hour_format;
            if($total_roomdetails > 0)
            { //check initially whether current date atleast once present in database
            //check room already booked or not
            $query_EmpName = sprintf("SELECT * FROM hrms_room_calendar WHERE booking_date = %s and room_id = %s", GetSQLValueString($date_Entered, "date"), GetSQLValueString($roomid, "int"));
            $roomdetails = mysql_query($query_EmpName) or die(mysql_error());
            while($retriveBookedStatus = mysql_fetch_array($roomdetails))
                $db_from_time =  strtotime($retriveBookedStatus['from_time']);
                $local_from_time = strtotime($fromTime);
                if($db_from_time == $local_from_time) 
                    $cancelLink = $link."&id=".$retriveBookedStatus['booking_id']."&admin=".$admin;
                    echo  "<input type='hidden' name='id_bookedID$count' value=" . $retriveBookedStatus['booking_id']. ">";
                    $str_reason = $retriveBookedStatus['reason'];
                    $str_cancel_reason = $retriveBookedStatus['cancelled_remarks'];
                       //Display Reason {.............}
                      //Display Employee Name  {.............}
                        if(($status == 2) and ($total_accessdetails_Recordset > 0) and ($date_exited == 0))
                        { //canceled it can book by others
                            $status = 0;
                            //echo "<td style = 'display: none;'><a href=".$cancelLink."&status=2" . " onclick='return confirmCancel();'><input type='button' name='Booked' value='Book'></a></td>";
                            echo "<input type='hidden' value=2 name='str_status$count' />";
                            echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='list[]' value=$count  id='checkboxbook'  /> <td>";
                } //if($db_from_time == $local_from_time) 
            if($flag != 1) 
                $flag = 0;
                echo "<tr  height='25' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>
                echo $fromTime . " - ".$endTime ;
                //Check Whether ending time exited dbEnd Time
                echo TimeExited($Endtime_in_24_hour_format, $Endtime_in_db_24_hour_format );
                echo "</td>";
                echo "<td title='Free'> Available </td>";
                echo "<td align='center'> - </td>";
                echo "<td align='center'> - </td>";
                if(($total_accessdetails_Recordset > 0) and ($date_exited == 0)){ 
                //That particular time and date didnt present in db that is also should not booked
                    echo "<td style = 'display: none;'><a href=".$link."&status=1" . " target='_blank'><input type='button' name='Booked' value='Book'></a></td>";
                    echo "<input type='hidden' value=1 name='str_status$count' />";
                        echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='list[]' value=$count id='checkboxbook'  disabled/> <td>";
                } //    if($total_accessdetails_Recordset > 0) 
            } //if($flag != 1)
                $flag = 0;
        } // if($total_roomdetails > 0)
            echo "<tr  height='25' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>
            echo $fromTime . " - ".$endTime ;
            echo "</td>";
            echo "<td title='Free'>Available </td>";
            echo "<td align='center'> - </td>";
            echo "<td align='center'> - </td>";
            if(($total_accessdetails_Recordset > 0) and ($date_exited == 0)){ //while loading time slot should not booked
                echo "<td style = 'display: none;'><a href=".$link."&status=1" . " target='_blank'><input type='button' name='Booked' value='Book' ></a></td>";
                    echo "<input type='hidden' value=1 name='str_status$count' />";
                                echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='list[]' value=$count id='checkboxbook'  /> <td>";
        }//($total_accessdetails_Recordset > 0)
     } //else
    echo "</tr>";
    } // foreach

    My Error. It's Only happened some times

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