public static void guessNumber() {
//Totals the games played by the user
//Scanner to allow user input
Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
//Prints "Your guess ? " for the user to input their guess
System.out.print("Your guess ? ");
// Input for the number the user guessed
int numberGuessed = console.nextInt();
//While loop with nested if statement to check if the number guessed by the user is equal to the random number generated, if not,
//show higher or lower hints depending on the guess
while (numberGuessed != randomNumber) {
//if statement to determine if the guess is higher or lower than the random number
//if the guess is higher, show the random number is lower than the guess, than ask the user to guess again
if (numberGuessed > randomNumber) {
//Prints "lower" for the user to know the number is lower than the guess,
//Prints "Your guess ? " for the user to guess again
System.out.print("Your guess ? ");
//End of if statement and begins else if statement to determine if the guess is higher or lower than the random number
//If the guess is lower, show the random number is higher than the guess,
//Prints "Your guess ? " for the user to guess again
} else if (numberGuessed < randomNumber) {
//Prints "higher" for the user to know the number is higher than the guess,
//"Your guess ? " for the user to guess again
System.out.print("Your guess ? ");
}// End of else if statement
// Input for the number the user guessed
numberGuessed = console.nextInt();
//Counts the number of tries it took to guess the correct number
//Totals all the guesses made in the games played
}//End of while loop
//Array for storing guesses
ArrayList<Integer> test = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; guesses > i; i++) {
System.out.println("Elements of ArrayList of Integer Type: "+ test);
//Shows the user guessed the right number and how many tries it took to guess the number
System.out.println("You got it right in " + guesses + " guesses" + "\n");
//Ask the user if they want to play again
System.out.print("Do you want to play again? ");
//Input for the user to input yes or no if they want to play again or not
String playAgain = console.next();
//Prints blank line
//Totals all the guesses made in the game
double endingTotalGuesses = totalGuesses + gamesPlayed;
//If statement to check and see if the user wants to play again and ignores the case of the word no
if (playAgain.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) {
//Resets the number of guesses when a used starts a new game
guesses = 1;
//Prints I'm thinking of a number...
System.out.println("I'm thinking of a number...");
//Calls the generateRandomNumber method to pick a random number to guess
//Assigns the generateRandomNumber method to the integer randomNumber
randomNumber = generateRandomNumber();
//*Remove this line that shows what the number is!*
System.out.println("The number is: " + randomNumber);
//Calls the guessNumber method to allow the game to start over and the user to start guessing
//End of if statement and starts the else if statement to see if the user wants to play again and ignores the case of the word no
} else if (playAgain.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) {
//else if statement. If the user chooses no, it will call the endOfGames method and pass the
//ending amount of guesses and total of games played
endOfGames(endingTotalGuesses, gamesPlayed);
}//end of else if statement
}//End of guessNumber method
答案 0 :(得分:0)
ArrayList<Integer> test = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; guesses > i; i++) {
System.out.println("Elements of ArrayList of Integer Type: "+ test);
引用的整数。例如,如果花了5次猜测,你将把数字 5 添加到数组中5次。
,因此为了将其保留在范围内,您需要在那里执行一些有用的操作,或者具有类级别(“ field“)变量引用ArrayList
//Calls the generateRandomNumber method to pick a random number to guess
//Assigns the generateRandomNumber method to the integer randomNumber
randomNumber = generateRandomNumber();
第一次浪费 - 其返回值未使用。