
时间:2015-10-14 00:32:45

标签: assembly x86 hex nasm



    org 100h

cr equ  0dh         ;carriage return
lf equ  0ah         ;line feed

section .data
prompt0: db 0dh, 0ah, "My name is Brandon Copeland. Prepare to enter data! $"
prompt1: db 0dh, 0ah, "Enter a hex digit: $"
prompt2: db 0dh, 0ah, "In decimal it is: $"
prompt3: db 0dh, 0ah, "Do you want to do it again? Press 'y' or 'Y' to continue $"
prompt4: db "Illegal entry: must be 0 - 9 or A - F $"

section .text
    mov ah,9        ;Display string
    mov dx,prompt0  ;Greeting
    int 21h     ;System call

    mov ah,9        ;Display string
    mov dx,prompt1  ;Prompt for first number
    int 21h     ;System call

    mov     bx,0        ;bx holds input value
    mov     ah,1        ;Reads keyboard character
    int 21h     ;System call

    cmp al, '9'     ;compares input to '9'
    je  print       ;if 9, jump to print
    jl  print       ;if less than 9, jump to print
    ja  decConvert  ;if greater than 9, convert A - F to 10 - 15

    and al,11011111b    ; force uppercase
    sub al,65       ; convert 'A'-'F' to 10-15
    pop bx

    mov ah,9
    mov dx,prompt2
    int 21h

    mov ah,2        ;print char
    mov dl,'1'      ;print '1'
    int 21h

    mov ah,2
    mov dl,bl
    int 21h

    jmp repeat

    mov ah,9        
    mov dx, prompt2
    int 21h

    mov ah,2
    mov     dl,al
    int 21h

    mov ah,9
    mov dx, prompt3 ;asks user if wants to do again
    int 21h

    mov bx,0        ;gets user answer
    mov ah,1
    int 21h

    cmp al,'y'      ;if y, restart
    je  start
    cmp al,'Y'      ;if Y, restart
    je  start
    jmp exit        ;otherwise, terminate program       ;

    mov ah,04ch     ;DOS function: exit
    mov al,0        ;exit code
    int 21h     ;call DOS, exit


数字0 - 9的输出很好。但是,无论何时我尝试输入A-F,每次输出都只是'1'。我究竟做错了什么?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


提示:您希望push axpop bx所在的位置,并希望pop dx位于mov dl,bl

您的sub al,65也是错误的,因为它转换为0..5而非'0'..'5'(即您想要sub al, 17