这是整个代码。对此感到抱歉,但这可能有所帮助。数据是进程是原始GPS数据,例如 记录编号日期时间Lat Long Speed Altitude
# Path fo file of raw GPS output
# path to distance function
source ("F://R functions//Distfunc.R")
# path to absolute heading function
source ("F://R functions//AbsHeading.R")
# path to Movement type function
source ("F://R functions//MovementType.R")
# path to bayes filter function
source ("F://R functions//bayesFilter.R")
# attach data
attach (R)
#Threshold for altitude
altThreshold <- 0.60 #0.6m threshold?
#Threshold angle for determining movement
angleThreshold <-40 #40 degrees
#Minimum speed for determining movement #0.3 m/s
minSpeed <-0.3
#Number of instances to consider as part of the Bayes inference
historyLength <-4
#Sampling period for GPS receiver
GPSSample <- 5 #5 second interval between samples
#Fix accuracy of the GPS receiver
GPS_accy <-0.6 #0.6 metres
########## Thresholds and Parameters Segmentation ###########
segmentSize <- 32 #32 movement objects per 'segment'
#Previous heading in order to work out track (left, right, forward, etc.)
previousHeading <- 0
#extract the instances, then the feature values for lat and long
#...then do calcs
lst <- list() # temporary list to store the results
for (i in seq(1, nrow(R) - 1)){ # loop through each row of the 'R' matrix
lat1 <- deg2rad(R[i, 4])
long1 <- deg2rad(R[i, 5])
lat2 <- deg2rad(R[i + 1, 4])
long2 <- deg2rad(R[i + 1, 5])
gcd_vif <- gcd.vif(lat1, long1, lat2, long2)
# calc estimated speed by mean of speeds between two GPS records
estSpeed <- (R[i, 6] + R[i+1, 6])/2
# calculate acceleration (velocity)
accel <- (R[i+1, 6] - R[i, 6]) / GPSSample
# calculate absolute heading
heading <- absoluteHeading(lat1, long1, lat2, long2)
# calculate bearing relative to previous GPS record
relAngle <- 0
# if the number of GPS records is less than 3 then no change in track
if (i < 1) relAngle = heading
# otherwise consider the previous heading in order to calculate the new track
else if (i > 0) {
relAngle = (previousHeading - heading)
# determine whether movement is occurring and if so what type
# if there are insufficient history items then just record movement types discretely
if (i < historyLength) movement <- movementType(relAngle, angleThreshold)
else if (i > historyLength-1) {
# Array to store speeds
speedHistory <- array(historyLength)
n = historyLength-1
# get the speeds from the previous n (hisoryLength) "Movements"
for (j in seq(1, length(historyLength))){
speedHistory [n] = R[i-j, 6]
if (!bayesFilter(speedHistory, minSpeed, GPS_accy)) movement <- "non-moving"
else if(bayesFilter(speedHistory, minSpeed, GPS_accy)) movement <- movementType(relAngle, angleThreshold)
holder <- matrix(data = movement, nrow = nrow(R), ncol = 1)
# update previous heading information
previousHeading = heading
# Store the input data and the results
lst[[i]] <- c(
latitude_position_1 = lat1,
longtude_position_1 = long1,
longtude_position_2 = long2,
Distance = gcd_vif,
Speed = estSpeed,
Acceleration = accel,
Absolute_Heading = heading,
Relative_Heading = relAngle,
Movement = movement
Results <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lst)) # store the input data and the results in a data frame