
时间:2015-10-13 13:58:49

标签: scala pattern-matching type-erasure











import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._

object TestMatch extends App {
  abstract class I

  class A extends I {
    def hitA() = println("Hit A")

  class B extends I

  def processOpGen[T <: I : TypeTag](op: PartialFunction[I, Unit])(i: I) = {
    val fallback : PartialFunction[I, Unit] = {case _ => println("Not hit")}
    (op orElse fallback)(i)

  def partialMatchGen[T <: I : TypeTag](op: T => Unit)(i: I) = {
    processOpGen[T] {
      case c: T => op(c) // can TypeTag be used here for matching somehow?

  partialMatchGen[A](a => a.hitA())(new A)
  partialMatchGen[A](a => a.hitA())(new B)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

只需replace TypeTag with ClassTag

import scala.reflect._

object Main extends App {
  abstract class I

  class A extends I {
    def hitA() = println("Hit A")

  class B extends I

  def processOpGen[T <: I : ClassTag](op: PartialFunction[I, Unit])(i: I) = {
    val fallback : PartialFunction[I, Unit] = {case _ => println("Not hit")}
    (op orElse fallback)(i)

  def partialMatchGen[T <: I : ClassTag](op: T => Unit)(i: I) = {
    processOpGen[T] {
      case c: T => op(c) // can TypeTag be used here for matching somehow?

  partialMatchGen[A](a => a.hitA())(new A)
  partialMatchGen[A](a => a.hitA())(new B)

Reused last reload result
[info] Loading project definition from /tmp/rendererL3zBdh8HOA/project/project
[info] Loading project definition from /tmp/rendererL3zBdh8HOA/project
[info] Set current project to rendererWorker (in build file:/tmp/rendererL3zBdh8HOA/)
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to rendererWorker (in build file:/tmp/rendererL3zBdh8HOA/)
[info] Formatting 1 Scala source {file:/tmp/rendererL3zBdh8HOA/}rendererWorker(compile) ...
[warn] Scalariform parser error for /tmp/rendererL3zBdh8HOA/src/main/scala/test.scala: Expected token RBRACKET but got Token(XML_START_OPEN,<,335,<)
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /tmp/rendererL3zBdh8HOA/target/classes...
[success] Total time: 11 s, completed Oct 13, 2015 5:16:45 PM
Now running...
[info] Running Main 
Hit A
Not hit
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Oct 13, 2015 5:16:45 PM